RACHAEL DOMALEWSKI DAN FRANKLIN JANELL BARR MEGAN BRETZ United States vs. United Kingdom Suicide rates *Suicide is an often ignored and a stigmatized topic
Questions Who do you think has the higher suicide rate? Why?
American Suicide Rates Mean: people Median: people Mode: 10.4, 11.4 people Range: 8.7 Standard deviation: 1.40 Variance: 1.95 **people per 100,000**
United Kingdom Suicide Rate Mean: people Median: people Mode: 18.1, 19.9, 21.1 people Range: 4.3 Standard deviation: 2.27 Variance: 5.13 **People per 100,000**
Z-Scores YearsU.S.U.K. ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’
Center The mean, median, and mode of the data for the U.K. is a lot higher than the mean, median, and mode of the U.S. This shows that Great Britain has a higher average of suicide rates then the U.S.
Variation The variation between the two data sets are different in comparison because the mean of the U.K. is people and the U.S. is people with a difference of 8.15 people. Also comparing the z-scores and the standard deviation of the two shows how the U.K. has a higher third quartile.
Distribution The distribution of the data for the U.S. is skewed to the right. Over the years the U.S. suicide rate is decreasing, hence being skewed to the right. In the future it will continue to decrease. As for U.K., the distribution was normal in a bell curve. The rates would climb, then fall again, in a bell curve pattern.
America 5 Number Summary
United Kingdom 5 Number Summary
Frequency Distribution RATES FREQUENCY UKUS
Real-World Impact The data reveals that the U.K. has a higher average suicide rate then the U.S. in males 15 and older. The U.K.’s rates from 1991 to 2008 had a better standard deviation that the U.S. which means that the U.S. had greater variety in the amount of people that committed suicide. Which could be from the recent problems the U.S. has had in our economy, our politics, and poverty in the U.S. as opposed to the U.K. who has a higher standard of living than we do.
Real-World con’t Even though the U.K. has a higher rate, be aware of how you treat people, because 7.1 people out of 100,000 is still too many in our country to take our own lives. Which is the lowest number the U.S. had in 18 years. Suicide is a serious matter, and though many people shy away from talking about it, it’s something that should be addressed.
Scatter Plot
Legal vs. Illegal In the U.K. suicide is legal, plus there is doctor assisted suicides. Here in the U.S. suicide is illegal. You can be arrested for attempted suicide, but often people get away depending on the persons sanity. Which could be another reason why the rate is higher in the U.K. then the U.S.
Facts There is a 5.5 rate among the Amish in Lancaster. In the 20 th century highest suicide rate was in depression-suicide-numbers_N.htm 28-depression-suicide-numbers_N.htm
Facts Every 90 minutes someone in the U.K. dies from suicide. Every 15.2 minutes someone in the U.S. attempts suicide. For every two people killed by homicide, three people die of suicide.
Facts Suicide is the: - 11 th leading cause of death overall in America (CDC) - 3 rd leading cause of death for young Americans between the ages of (CDC) - 2 nd leading cause of death for American college- aged students (Kochanek et al., 2002)
Extra National suicide hotline There is always someone willing to talk. November 20 th is national suicide awareness day. Reason why we picked this topic is because on the news recently there have been reported suicides among teens, which drew our attention to talk about it.