World War II Review – part I
Row 1, Col 1 Who was the Chancellor of Nazi Germany during World War II? He was also known as “Der Führer” (leader) Adolf Hitler
1,2 On which two Japanese cities (in order) did the United States drop atomic bombs in order to end World War II? Hiroshima and Nagasaki
1,3 What was the pre-War political term for giving-in to the aggressive dictators as a way to prevent all-out war? Appeasement
1,4 What naval base did the Japanese attack on a Sunday without warning to begin American involvement in World War II? Pearl Harbor
2,1 Harry S. Truman Who became the U.S. President on the death of president F.D.R. and decided to use the atomic bomb to end the war with Japan?
2,2 Auschwitz What was the name of the largest and best-known extermination center (death camp)?
2,3 June 6, 1944 D-Day happened on which date?
2,4 Normandy What was the French region that was the site of the Allied invasion of Europe (D-Day) in June 1944?
3,1 Descendents of Romans Hitler believed that Aryans were descendents of whom?
3,2 Sudetenland In 1938, Hitler threatened to use force to get what section of Czechoslovakia where many German-speaking people lived?
3,3 Holocaust/genocide What is the name given to the Nazi attempt at systematically eliminating “inferior” races (Jews, gypsies, Poles, etc.)?
3,4 Midway Island What was the June 1942 naval battle where the Imperial Japanese Navy was crushed by a smaller American fleet?
4,1 Island Hopping What was the US strategy in the Pacific?
4,2 Germany Which country used lightening warfare?
4,3 Anschluss What was the term used to describe the forced union of Austria with Germany in 1938?
4,4 Dec. 7, 1941 What date was Pearl Harbor attacked?
5,1 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Who is the only President elected FOUR times who also led the United States during the Great Depression and World War II?
5,2 GB, F, US, Russia What countries occupied Germany after WWII?
5,3 September 1, 1939 What was the date of the beginning of WWII?
5,4 Stalingrad What city could the German army not capture from the Russians in the winter of that was a turning-point in the War?