An individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting that persist over time..
Human personality arises from a conflict between our aggressive, pleasure seeking biological impulses and the internalized social restraints against them.
ID –constantly strives to satisfy basic drives to survive, reproduce and aggress. Operates on the pleasure principal. Seeks immediate gratification. ◦ Think of a newborn infant or a naughty child I want food! I want to pee! I want to have sex! And I want it NOW!!!
As the ego develops, the young child learns to cope with the real world. Operates on the reality principle. Seeks to gratify the id’s impulses in realistic ways that will bring long-term pleasure rather than pain or destruction “executive” which mediates between the id and superego
At 4 or 5 years of age society kicks in and we recognize the newly emerging superego, the voice of conscience that forces the ego to consider not only the real but the ideal. Tells us how we ought to behave ◦ Strives for perfection ◦ Often oppose the id