Higher and Standard Single Party States Lenin and Stalin’s Russia Russian Revolution; Lenin’s single party Communist state Russian Revolution; Lenin’s single party Communist state Rise of Stalin/cult of personality Rise of Stalin/cult of personality Methods of rule Methods of rule Five Year Plans Five Year Plans Purges and opposition Purges and opposition Propaganda Propaganda Foreign Policy Foreign Policy
Higher and Standard Single Party States Hitler’s Germany Weimar Germany Weimar Germany The rise of Hitler The rise of Hitler The Nazi Party: the Third Reich The Nazi Party: the Third Reich Women and youth Women and youth Propaganda and media Propaganda and media Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism
Higher and Standard Single Party States Mao Tse Tung’s China Civil war and takeover October 1949 Civil war and takeover October 1949 Five Year Plans and Great Leap Forward Five Year Plans and Great Leap Forward Cultural Revolution
Higher and Standard Single Party States Castro’s Cuba Revolution 1959 Revolution 1959 Americans out! Americans out! Communist policies Communist policies Social reforms Social reforms Cuba, a communist paradise? Cuba, a communist paradise?
Higher and Standard The Cold War Origins and nature of: Ideologies Ideologies Wartime allies to enemies Wartime allies to enemies Spheres of influence Spheres of influence The nuclear issue The nuclear issue War in Korea War in Korea
Higher and Standard The Cold War The spread of the Cold War: Asia and Latin America The spread of the Cold War: Asia and Latin America Cold War policies of containment, brinkmanship, peaceful coexistence, détente Cold War policies of containment, brinkmanship, peaceful coexistence, détente Cold War policies and crisis Korea and Cuba Cold War policies and crisis Korea and Cuba
Higher and Standard The Arab-Israeli Conflict The British in Palestine The British in Palestine Israel’s independence War, 1948 Israel’s independence War, 1948 Palestinian refugees Palestinian refugees The Suez Crisis 1956 The Suez Crisis 1956 Arabism and Zionism; the PLO Arabism and Zionism; the PLO The Six Day War 1967 The Six Day War 1967 Diplomacy and Terrorism Diplomacy and Terrorism The Yom Kippur War 1973 The Yom Kippur War 1973 Camp David Israel-Egypt peace agreement 1979 Camp David Israel-Egypt peace agreement 1979
History of the Americas (HL) The Emergence of the Americas in global affairs Spanish–American War: causes and effects (1898) Spanish–American War: causes and effects (1898) United States’ foreign policies: the Big Stick; Dollar Diplomacy; impact on the region United States’ foreign policies: the Big Stick; Dollar Diplomacy; impact on the region United States and the First World War: from neutrality to involvement United States and the First World War: from neutrality to involvement Impact of the First World War on two countries of the Americas: economic, political, social, and foreign policies
History of the Americas (HL) Political developments in the Americas after the Second World War United States: domestic policies of Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy United States: domestic policies of Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy Johnson and “the Great Society”; Nixon’s domestic reforms Johnson and “the Great Society”; Nixon’s domestic reforms Populist leaders in Latin America: rise to power;; the treatment of opposition; successes and failures) The Cuban Revolution: political, social, economic causes; impact on the region Rule of Fidel Castro: political, economic, social and cultural policies; treatment of minorities; successes and failures
History of the Americas (HL) The Cold War and the Americas Truman: containment and its implications for the Americas; the Cold War and its impact on society and culture Truman: containment and its implications for the Americas; the Cold War and its impact on society and culture Korean War and the United States and the Americas: Korean War and the United States and the Americas: United States’ involvement in Vietnam: the reasons for, and nature of, the involvement at different stages; domestic effects and the end of the war United States’ involvement in Vietnam: the reasons for, and nature of, the involvement at different stages; domestic effects and the end of the war United States’ foreign policies from Kennedy to Carter: United States’ foreign policies from Kennedy to Carter:
Paper 1: DOCUMENT ANALYSIS -Sources on the Arab-Israeli conflict (HL +SL) One hour exam Paper 1: DOCUMENT ANALYSIS -Sources on the Arab-Israeli conflict (HL +SL) One hour exam Paper 2: Two Essay questions on Single Party states and Cold War (HL +SL) One and a half hour exam Paper 2: Two Essay questions on Single Party states and Cold War (HL +SL) One and a half hour exam Paper 3: Three Essay questions on History of the Americas (Higher only) ) Two and a half hour exam Paper 3: Three Essay questions on History of the Americas (Higher only) ) Two and a half hour exam Coursework - Historical Investigation on a topic of your choice (HL +SL) Coursework - Historical Investigation on a topic of your choice (HL +SL) IB History Assessment
Coursework: Historical Investigation Select a topic of your choice Select a topic of your choice Select two sources Select two sources Analyse the sources Analyse the sources Up to 2000 words Up to 2000 words 20% for Higher 20% for Higher 25% for Standard 25% for Standard Time Allowed: One Year
History has it all! History has it all!