On-Line Learning Thoughts
In-Person and Blended In person component essential for: –building relationship Student to student Student to faculty –Experiential learning –Sensing what the students learn and elaborating On-line component essential for –Continued relationship building –Learning from each –Quiet reflection possibilities Together –Form a combination that allows for different modalities of learning…the quiet can be heard; the effusive can learn to listen
Creating a course Face-to-face learning –Theory –Experiential –Real time Q&A –Learning together On-Line learning –Deepens reflection and learning together –Identify areas from reading, class, and/or projects that need Linking Elaboration Decide on the amount of face-to-face time needed –Experiment at first…error on the side of more face-to-face time –Understand your audience Decide on the amount of time instructor will –Be on-line –Comment on work and not comment on work
What Instructor Needs to Know Audience Style of instructing on-line…how much to comment Most students want an instructor’s comments, questions, knowledge, and wisdom Most students want to know instructor knows if they are not on-line
Keeping People Engaged Remark on their participation Engage in their work: comments and questions Stimulating and relevant questions Commitment to peers
On-Line…Not for everyone Ask about relationship to on-line v. face-to- face Watch their reactions If possible, offer trainings that are only face-to-face Learn from the students and alter structure accordingly