Look At Me Now! By: Lulwa Al Zaini 6E
What dramatic skill would you say is the best part in performance? Why? My best dramatic skill in the performance was my movements. I think this is the best because I used it a lot especially when I popped out of the tree and made my movements that we had not seen Sita.
What dramatic skill have you worked on improving this term in drama? What specific things have you done to make improvements? In this term I have been working on not talking to my friends when I am not supposed to. I am thinking of improving this before this term ends. I will try to improve this by listening to the teacher in the beginning of the class to stay focused.
What dramatic skill do you find the most difficult and why? The most dramatic skill I find difficult is having my voice louder in the performance. I find it difficult because I get shy easily and its hard to have my voice louder. But I will try my best on improving this.
How has working to improve your dramatic skills helped you to portray your character? This has helped me portray my character by looking at my self more and depth by focusing on commands on taking from my friends.