The smallest shark is the tsuranagakobitozame : Did You Know? The smallest shark is the tsuranagakobitozame : a Japanese name that means, “dwarf shark with a long face,” also called dwarf dog-shark. This shark can fit in the palm of your hand; the adults measure about 5 inches (13 centimeters) in length.
Objective: Know the parts of an experiment Agenda: August 26th 2010 Objective: Know the parts of an experiment Agenda: Brief notes on parts of experiment Worksheet of parts of and experiment Homework: You MUST have all of the following complete to take tomorrow’s quiz! -KIM chart - Hypothesis worksheet - Parts of an experiment worksheet
Experimental Variables: Independent Variable controlled by experimenter Dependent Variable an action; a verb; it changes CAUSE EFFECT… Type of water Growth of plant
Experimental Set up: CONTROL GROUP: EXPERIMENTAL GROUP: NO changes- All conditions kept the same – cont. as usual Baseline for comparison No action taken EXPERIMENTAL GROUP: Change made – called the test group- kept the same except for the ONE thing being tested Action taken Change ONLY the water to ‘Martha Stewart’ brand Cont. as normal with tap water
Constants (Control) Are all things kept THE SAME in the experiment to make it RELIABLE. Examples: IDENTICAL kind of plant SAME size of bowl EQUAL amounts of dirt SAME time of watering plants SAME kind of….
Identifying Parts of an Experiment YOUR JOB: Identifying Parts of an Experiment 15-20 minutes Work w/ partner to complete, Identifying Parts of Exp Stay with group! 5 minutes Review . 6
ISN Page 19, Scenario #1 IV = Fertilizer (CAUSE) DV = Constants = Control = Hypothesis = Improvement = Fertilizer (CAUSE) Height of tomato plant (EFFECT) Same soil, equal amts. of fert., same location, same amt. of water 4th pot with no fertilizer – she cont. growing it as usual IF I use a ‘specific kind of fert.’, THEN my tomato plants will grow taller. None… BUT she really should REPEAT the exp.
ISN page 19, Scenario #2 IV = Color of rice (CAUSE) DV = Constants = Control = Hypothesis = Improvement = Color of rice (CAUSE) People choosing (action) certain color rice (EFFECT) same amt. rice, identical bowls None IF I use a ‘specific color’ of rice (CAUSE) THEN more people will choose it. (EFFECT) Needs a control group white rice for comparison
ISN page 19, Scenario #3 IV = Type of air pellets (CAUSE) DV = Constants = Control = Hypothesis = Improvement = Type of air pellets (CAUSE) Accuracy (action) of pellet (EFFECT) same type of rifle, shot same # of times, target same distance away Standard Brand X Pellets IF I use a ‘specific type’ of pellets (CAUSE) THEN there will be an improvement in accuracy (EFFECT) NONE
ISN page 19, Scenario #4 IV = Studying more (CAUSE) DV = Constants = Control = Hypothesis = Improvement = Studying more (CAUSE) 10% increase (action) in grade (EFFECT) None…. Previous grade IF I study more (CAUSE) THEN my biology grade will increase by 10% (EFFECT) Do not study sporadically, don’t use different study methods
Stop Think And Review Hypothesis IV DV Control Group Experimental Group Constants
Stop Think And Reflect Did we reach our goal? Our goal today was for you to recognize parts of an experiment…. Did you reach that goal? How do you know you reached the goal? What are you going to do if you did not reach that goal?? 12
HOMEWORK FIRST MINI-SUM TOMORROW!!!!! Finish pages in your ISN: KIM Chart, page 11 Hypothesis Parts of Experiment HOMEWORK Be the change you wish to see in the world 13 13