Hurricane season starts June 1 st When the water is 80 degrees and 200 feet. They get there intense energy from warm water.
A Hurricane Watch is issued by the National Weather Service when there is a threat of a hurricane conditions within hours.
A Hurricane Warning is issued by the National Weather Service when hurricane conditions are expected in 24 hours or less.
CategoryWindsStorm surge mph4-5ft mph6-8ft mph9-12ft mph13-18ft 5156+mph18+ft
Stay tuned Get supplies Food & water. Cooler & camping stove with fuel. Two weeks supplies of meds. Extra batteries and first aid. Prepare Fuel vehicles. Secure mobile home tie down. Prepare to cover windows and doors. Prepare to secure outdoor furniture. Cash. Plans to take care of your pets.
During a hurricane stay in side Stay away from windows and doors Close all doors Go to the basement or a secure room like a bathroom or closet Be alert for tornados that can be caused by a hurricane
Stay in your protected area until announcements. Avoid using candles and other open flames indoors. Avoid downed power lines and any water in which they may be lying.
Disaster supply kit. Bottled water and dried can foods to last a week or more. Manual can opener. Battery- operated flashlight. Battery-operated radio. Extra batteries. Clothes. Personal care items. Medications. Cash. First aid kit. Sleeping bags or blankets. Sturdy shoes. Insect repellent.