A Growing Nation American Adolescence
The Election of 1800 Jefferson V.S. John Adams Both parties tossed wild charges at one another Jefferson won by 8 electoral votes For the first time America witnessed a peaceful transition of power Federalist Party (John Adams) to the Democratic Republicans
Jeffersonian Republicanism The people should control the government and a simple government best suits the needs of the people An idealist (who bent the rules) A man of contradictions A slave owner who hated slavery An advocate of the constitution, but ignored it at least once Preached Frugality, but dies in debt
Marbury v. Madison Happened here The Result: Judicial Review The ability of the supreme court to declare a law
The Louisiana Purchase
1800: Spain transfers control of the Louisiana territory to Napoleon Bonaparte 1803: Napoleon abandoned his ideas of an American empire Napoleon sent 35,000 troops to crush a slave rebellion in Haiti. He lost more the 24,000 America purchased the Louisiana territory for $15,000,000 That’s 828,000 square miles for only 3 cents an acre
Lewis and Clark Introduction What was the result: The trip cost $2,500 Gains: Knowledge of new plants and animals Found suitable farming lands
The War of 1812
War of 1812 The Results Led to the end of the federalist party Encouraged America to become independent from Britain economically Confirmed Americas independence
The Monroe Doctrine 1823 President James Monroe: European powers should not interfere with affairs in the western empire and should not attempt to establish colonies or overthrow newly independent republics In return the U.S. would do the same in Europe and its colonies Became the foundation of foreign policy and put America on the map
Economy Conflict Industrial Revolution (18 th century) In the North Textile mills rise Farmers specialize in specific crops In the South Eli Whitney and The Cotton Gin Slavery increased from 700,000 – 1.5 million
Andrew Jackson “I cannot believe that killing twenty-five hundred Englishmen at New Orleans qualifies [him] for the various difficult and complicated duties of [the presidency].” – Henry Clay Sought to give common people a chance to participate in government.
Nullification Tariff of Abominations The South was forced to buy more expensive Northern manufactured goods. From the South’s point of view, the North was getting rich at the expense of the South. Nullification Calhoun’s (Jackson’s V.P.) theory that states could reject a federal law that it considered unconstitutional. The Compromise of 1833 Resolved Nullification by lowering the tariffs over 10 years
“Trail of Tears” (1942)
The Indian Removal Act Two basic ideas on how to deal with the Indian “problem” Civilization: Native American would become farmers, concert to Christianity, own land Removal: Move the Natives Americans west In 1833, a small group of Cherokee signed the Treaty of New Echota. A removal act
The Trail of Tears The Cherokee were given two years to migrate. By 1838 only 2,000 did so. As a result the U.S. government sent 7,000 troops to force the Cherokee people off their land. The Cherokee people were forced to march 800 miles. 4,000 died along the way