Prophet Mohammed died in 632 C.E. The Qur’an was then fully memorized by many companions, written partly in different writing material but it was not compiled in one written book anywhere at all.
Rebellions at different parts of Arabia Companions had to fight to re- establish peace, stability & authority Many Hafiz were killed at the fighting A proposal by Omar bin Alkhattab to write down the Qur’an
1. Yes: .. 1. No: ..
Months after the death of the prophet. Zaid ibn Thabet in charge Zaid: Was a Hafiz Wrote for the Prophet Attended the final full recitation by the Pr. He checked with the other companions.
He passed the only written down copy to the 2 nd Caliph CE Upon the assasination of the 2 nd Caliph in 644 C.E. he passed the only written Qu’an copy to Hafsa
Guess what might have happened? Do you know? What was the size of the Caliphate? Where were the companions hafiz?
Hudhayfa ibn Al-Yaman Observation The confusion between the several dialects The Formation of a committee led by Zaid 7 copies of the Qur’an to: Mekah, Medinah, Al-Basrah, Al-Kufah,Yemen, Syria & Bahrain + A hafiz with each copy He ordered any incomplete private copy to be burnt, as Q isn’t a private property
إنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ ( الحِجر 9) “Verily We have revealed the reminder (Qur’an) and verily We shall preserve it” (Al-Hijer 9)