What is Sexual Assault? Any sexual act toward another person... whether by force or not by force... against a person’s will or while they are not capable of giving consent.
Types of Sexual Assault sexual harassment verbal, non-contact unwanted sexual contact sexual exploitation using another person without caring about how it affects them rape/attempted rape forced sex against a person’s will sexual abuse adult or older child forces, tricks, or bribes a child into sexual activity
Abusers and Targets Most abusers are boys/men Most targets of abuse are girls or women, but can be boys or men
Who is at fault? Sexual assault and abuse are ALWAYS the abuser’s fault. It doesn’t matter where. It doesn’t matter if the target is impaired by alcohol or drugs. It doesn’t matter what someone is wearing.
Consent to Abuse Continuum Consent Pressure Coercion Sexual abuse
Definitions Consent: both people want and agree to an action Pressure: one wants to, but the other doesn’t, or isn’t sure Coercion: one uses emotional or physical threats to get what he or she wants Abuse: emotional exploitation or physical attack to force a sexual act, or a sexual act with someone unable to give consent
Classify this Action Samantha and Jason belong to the same youth group. Sitting together on a bus on the way back from a field trip, Samantha begins rubbing Jason’s leg. He’s not comfortable with this display of affection, but doesn’t want to have friends overhear his objections. He pulls away, but she persists. She says she will tell others he is gay unless he goes along with her advances. Consent Pressure Coercion Abuse
Classify this Action Chenele and her boyfriend, Jose, have only been dating a few weeks. He is a junior and she is a freshman. His friends are each taking a girlfriend to the beach after graduation and Jose wants her to go. She knows her parents will not agree unless there are parents supervising the trip. Jose tells her to lie. She is uncomfortable not being honest with her folks. The more she thinks about it, she is uncomfortable being with Jose without adult supervision. Consent Pressure Coercion Abuse
Classify this Action Shawn and Amanda agree that they are ready to take their relationship to the “next level.” They discuss the importance of protection from sexually transmitted diseases because Amanda has had oral sex with a previous partner. They see eye to eye about what their relationship means and do not want any negative consequences to affect their future plans. Consent Pressure Coercion Abuse
Classify this Action Victor likes to date younger girls because they are naive. He thinks he can take advantage of their lack of experience. He persuades Felicity, who is 15, to drink wine coolers until she is intoxicated. He has sex with her and tells others she wanted it. Consent Pressure Coercion Abuse
Focus on Sexual Harassment Unwanted or unwelcome sexual advances Request for sexual favors Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature to denigrate the targeted person or persons
It’s Against the Law! Sexual harassment is illegal and against school policy for students, teachers and school staff. Both females and males can be victims. Harassment can result in a hostile learning environment for students. A student who is harassed can seek redress against perpetrators.
Examples of Verbal & Nonverbal Harassment Verbal: – Wolf whistles or cat calls – Calling someone a sexually-oriented name – Comments about someone’s body – “Dirty” jokes – Spreading sexual rumors Nonverbal: – Any unwanted touch – Sexual gestures – Touching oneself in a sexual way – Offensive/sexual pictures