What do you know about cancer?
Cancer is … A.When cells from other people get into your body and begin to grow B.When bacteria get into your body and cause your cells to grow C.A sickness that does not involve your cells D.The uncontrolled growth of your own cells
What is cancer? Uncontrolled growth of cells within an organism. Enzymes and checkpoints that are normally used in cell division fail to work. These cells do not respond to the normal signals
What are these controls? 1. Cyclins (internal regulators or enzymes) (3 checkpoints in cell cycle) 2. Growth factors (external regulators) (hormones that speed up division) 3. Cell contact inhibition- when cells touch they normally stop dividing but in cancers they “heap up” forming tumors.
Loss of contact inhibition
Normal vs. cancerous cells
What kinds of cells can become cancerous? Any type of cell can become cancerous A few types are: breast cancer colon cancer lung cancer prostatic cancer medical.net/images/breast%2520cancer%2520cell.jpg&imgrefurl= medical.net/%3Fid%3D12267&h=334&w=324&sz=34&hl=en&start=2&tb nid=zKoznaV7xT- ccM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcancer%26gbv%3D 2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den
What are some causes of cancer? Mutations in enzyme regulators (change in DNA) Heredity (certain types of cancer) Viruses Radiation Toxins (air, water, soil) Smoking, drinking of alcohol Where you live What you eat (diets high in fat have a higher incidence of cancer)
Can you prevent cancer? You cannot prevent cancer but you may lessen your chances of having cancer Types of prevention: ABCD rule for detecting cancerous moles
Use the ABCD Rule Asymmetry: Does the mole look the same in all parts or are there differences? Border: Are the borders sharp or ragged? Color: What are the colors seen in the mole? Diameter: Is the mole bigger than a pencil eraser (6 mm)?
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Cancer Prevention Stay out of the sun- use sunscreen No smoking Limit alcohol consumption Have preventive vaccines (HPV) Eat healthy – eat foods high in antioxidants Exercise Get plenty of sleep