Observe the changes settlements have made over time
3 Cities Tokyo New York London
Years 1900 1950 2000
Land Shape Type of town -Linear -Market town -Dispersed -Industrial town -Nucleated -Resort town -port town
Tokyo in 1900 This is a picture of Tokyo in 1900There are not many transportation and it is a Linear settlement. It’s also a
Tokyo in 1950 This is a picture of Tokyo in 1950; There are lot of buildings Then previous 50 years. This is also a nucleated settlement Because there are lot of buildings bunched up together. There are more People. Environment changed and this is a industrial town because I can See a apartment being built and I see factory at the back
Tokyo 2000 This is a picture of Tokyo in This is a nucleated settlem ent because buildings a re together. There are more people and cars. It is an industrial town because there are factor ies.
You will surprise when you see next slide…..
New York in 1900 This is a picture of New York in It’s linear settlement because buildings are arranged In one line. This place is also a market town because there are lot of merchant selling Stuffs. There are lot of people and there is a carriage.
New York 1950 This is a picture of New York in The land shape is nucleated s ettlement because there are lot of buildings bunched up together. I t hink this is an industrial town because there are some Factories at the back.
New York 2000 This is a picture of New York It’s a nucleated settlement beca use there are lot of buildings bunched up together. We can call this place a Industrial town, because some apartments are being built. T he buildings designs are changing too. Also, height is increasing.
I came back OLLEH! You will get a heart attack when you see next slide
London in 1900 This is a picture of London in There are some tall buildings And some carriage. It’s linear settlement because buildings lined up with one line shape. This place is a m arket town because there are people buying and selling stuffs
London 1950 This is a picture of London in It’s a dispersed settlement because buildings Are scattered. Also, it’s a resort settlement because there are some buildings Where people can have fun and enjoy. There are more people then London 1950.
London 2000 London 2000 This is a Picture of London in It’s a nucleated settlement b ecause buildings are bunched up together. I think It’s a an indus trial settlement because there are factories and buildings
Common/ Un common things Transportation Buildings Population People’s clothes Land shape Environment