01.00 Use the touch method in operating the keyboard and numeric keypad Objectives Execute the touch method in operating the alphabetic keys
Label the Parts of a Keyboard Function keys Numeric keypad Direction keys Alphanumeric keys
W Keyboard Layout ~ #3#3 $4$4 %5%5 ^6^6 TabQERTYUI : L K \ } { P O Backspace + = _- _- !1!1 (9(9 * 8 &7&7 Caps Lock Shift D Ctrl JFGH Z Enter “ SA >< MNBVCX ? Shift CtrlAltSpacebarAlt
Home Row Keys - Left Hand A S D F The left pinky is A The left ring finger is S The left middle finger is D The left index finger is F
Home Row Keys - Right Hand J K L ; The right index finger is J The right middle finger is K The right ring finger is L The right pinky is ;