Fostering a Learning Culture at SLAC April 2013 SLAC PNNL Greg Calloway Patti Ammonet Quality and Improvement Lessons Learned/Operating Experience Program Manager ESH&Q Assurance Systems
What is a learning organization? "Organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to learn together" (Peter Senge, 1990) Learning organizations: are adaptive to their external environment continually enhance their capability to change/adapt develop collective as well as individual learning use the results of learning to achieve better results 2
Using the Lessons Learned Program to evolve into a learning organization 3 Current State Varied quality, low use of Lessons Learned Static repository with limited content Focused on safety issues only Driven by corrective actions Little value added Future State Over 2,000 lessons learned articles available Staff engaged, sharing experiences and learning from others Captured Lessons Learned reused and valued for years to come Dynamic web and data visualization tools to promote collaboration Quality consistent, relevant, contextual and focused on staff Reusable content Managers/readers engaged and want-to-do vs. must-do Content expanded to any aspect of operational performance excellence Benefits Learning process/ behaviors are institutionalized into “how we work” Continuous performance improvement facilitated and documented; strengthen corrective actions Value added for staff while performing their work Facilitates continuous improvement – required element of Contractor Assurance System, Integrated Safety Management System, Operating Experience DOE Order, etc. Save $__K on implementation costs with a ___ month acceleration in schedule by benefitting from PNNL’s best practices Proposed Evolution Collaborate with PNNL, a recognized OE/LL leader with solid performance record Leverage existing and proven processes and tools to inspire learning Work directly with SLAC managers and key stakeholders (EHS&Q, ORPS, CAS, etc.) Provide necessary resources to facilitate high value lessons Monitor growth in readership (quantitative) and value/impact of lessons (qualitative)
SLAC Lessons Learned Program 4 Users Read Share Use in Work Planning, Training and Execution Provide Feedback Using OE Website Tools Delivery Pathways to OE/LL Content Delivery Pathways to OE/LL Content Lessons Learned Portal Announcements Subscriptions LL Program Champions Suppliers/Sharers External Managers/Staff Programs/SMEs Events/CAPs LL/OE Office Engagement Lab Analysis Improvement/ Change Driven Articles Internal/External Articles Internal/External Lessons Operating Experiences Recalls, Suspect Counterfeit Items (SCI), Defective Items (DI), etc. Collaboration Sites Guiding Principles: Make compliance transparent Focus on the reader Offer high-value services/tools to enhance productivity Monitor effectiveness High impact delivery: right content, right people, right place, right time