Turn to p. 222 Chapter 13 Housing the People -Problems faced -Solutions -Nation-building
1. Shortage of Housing Why? 1. Increase in Population 2. Spore Improvement Trust (SIT) did not build enough homes 3. Neglect of housing during WWII Problems before insufficient housing/ half a million lived in slums/squatters
Turn to p Roof over our heads Q: How did the govt solve the housing problems?
2. A Roof over our Heads 2.1 Solutions 1. Set up HDB (1960) - 5 Year Building Programme 2. Make best use of land 3. keep cost low 4. Resettlement - persuasion by leaders/ compensation 5. Built flats rapidly (eg. Bukit Ho Swee fire incident - 9 mths/ 5 blocks of flats)
2.3 Results (p.226) 1960s - low cost flats Home Ownership Scheme (1964) Central Provident Fund (1968) Why so successful? 1. Strong govt support/ fundings 2. Legal powers to resettle squatters 3. Hard work of Lim Kim San
2.4 Changing with the Times 1960s many squatters low cost (1-2 room) simple design $800 income ceiling 1970s one third in HDB flats 3-4 room better design estates raise maximum income level Set up HUDC
Turn to p Building a Nation,Forging a Bond Question: How did the govt promote a sense of belonging and forge a bond?
3. Building a Nation O wnership -one would stand to defend an asset M any races - different races in the same housing estate -racial tolerance/cohesive C ommunity centres (housing estate) Residents Committee (neighbourhood)
Turn to p Looking Back and Planning Ahead Question: Compare our past success and our future aspirations
4. Looking Back / Planning Ahead Looking Back well-planned housing estates high-rise housing and no slums standard of living improved Looking Ahead even spread of population good transport system eg MRT better quality in design promote sense of nation-building
Turn to p. 236 A. Briefly describe the housing conditions in Spore before 1960 insufficient housing (explain why?) poor housing conditions / many people lived in slums/ squatter settlements
Solutions B. Explain how the govt tried to solve the housing problem from 1960 to : mainly 1 to 2 room flats/ (explain P. La. C. re. + Homeownership scheme + CPF) : people become richer/ 3-4 room flats, raised max. income ceiling/ HUDC flats for those who cannot buy HDB flats
Nation-building C...housing programme …played an important role in promoting sense of belonging and forging a bond.. Do you agree? Yes.. (Spore citizen / Explain O.M. C. ) No..people may not want to participate in activities that help them to get to know their neighbours… Conclusion: more reasons for….