WELCOME to DAY 2 of BIG IDEA 1 GRADE 4 While we are waiting to begin, please make sure that you have: signed in on the hard copy. signed in on the computer. Directions and BE # are on the table next to the computer. ordered lunch in room 301 now, if you wish. We will break for lunch at 11:30 for one hour.
So, what’s the Big Idea?
BIG IDEA 1 Develop quick recall of multiplication facts and related division facts and fluency with whole number multiplication. 6 x 7 = ÷6 = X 25
Big Idea 1 Overview
Time To Examine TE’s Look in the chapter planner. List the benchmarks that are to be taught in this chapter. Note specific content that will be taught. Review the chapter. List any content or vocabulary that appears to be unfamiliar. Examine the “Teaching for Depth” component that appears in the beginning of each chapter. Share information that you think is essential.
BIG IDEA 1 BENCHMARKS MA.4.A.1.1 Use and describe various models for multiplication in problem-solving situations, and demonstrate recall of basic multiplication and related division facts with ease. R Repeated Addition Equal Groups Successive Subtraction
MA.4.A.6.4 Determine factors and multiples for specified whole numbers.
Why is it called the 4 times table ? How is the 4 times table different from the 6 times table?
CommutativeDistributive 2 X 3 3 X 2 6 X 5 = 30 6 X 2 = 12 6 X 7 = 42 Properties of Multiplication Identity 1 x 3 = 3 Associative (2 x 5) x 3 2 x (5 x 3)
ARRAYS What are some of the concepts that can be developed through effective instruction with arrays?
MA.4.A.1.2 Multiply multi-digit whole numbers through four digits fluently, demonstrating understanding of the standard algorithm, and checking for reasonableness of results, including solving real-world problems. A roadrunner can easily outrun a human. It zips across the desert at speeds up to 21 ft. per sec. How far can a roadrunner run in 3 seconds? 3X 21 = _____ Estimate __ X __ = ___
Multiplication Using Base Ten Block Models
Grab and Go Center
Multiplication with Whole Numbers
Multiplication Using Area Models
Write a division word problem for 15 ÷ 3 =
MA.4.A.6.2 Use models to represent division as: the inverse of multiplication as partitioning as successive subtraction 3 X 4 12 ÷ 3
Array Connection
Two basic types of problems in division Partitive (Sharing): You have a group of objects that you will share equally. The basic question is: How many in each group? Example: You have 15 lightning bugs to share equally in three jars. How many will you put in each jar?
Measurement: You have a quantity of objects and repeatedly give out a specific amount. The basic question is— how many groups you will make? Example: You have 15 lightning bugs and you put three in each jar. How many jars will you need?
Division with Remainders 1. Mrs. Sanchez needed to pack 60 books. Each box holds 8 books. How many boxes does she need? 2. There are 60 cookies. 8 boys want to share them equally. How many should each of them get? divided by 8 4. There are 60 students on a field trip. Each minivan holds 8 students. How many minivans are full?
Division Model with Base Ten Blocks
Grab and Go Center
BENCHMARK ??? DIRECTIONS Chapter 6 page 248
To find 381 ÷ 60 you can also use a number line or repeated subtraction.
How will the information from this workshop be incorporated into your math program?
Complete the Course Appraisal BE#
Course Appraisals Must Be Completed Appraisals are a State Requirement The BRITE system requires that any participant who has not completed the online appraisal be removed from the class, leaving no documentation or record of attendance. Requirement for in-service points