What dramatic skill would you say is the best part in your performance? Why? The best dramatic skill I am best at is Voice projection because I make my voice high and low when it’s supposed to be. I tried to make my voice suitable to the scene whether it is sad or happy. Example: “There once live in India a king with a beautiful daughter name Sita”- Voice High voice and not reading like a robot
What dramatic skill have you worked on improving this term in drama? What specific things have you done to make improvements? Voice Expression because my voice used to be very low. The things I have done to make the improvements is I talked louder and way more clearer.
What dramatic skill do you find the most difficult and why? The most difficult dramatic skill I find is body movement because the narrators only stand in one place and not move around on the stage.
How has working to improve your dramatic skills affected your popularity in your group and overall success of the play? Working in my group was a great. Overall the play is getting successful good. I really enjoy it!
Thank You!