By : Jacob Medina
Day in the life of my tribe journal entry #1 Hello my name is Tala which means wolf and I am in the Anasazi tribe. I will tell you about a day in my life as a Anasazi Indian. Today I went to play in the woods with my friends. We played in the creek and caught fish with our bare hands. We made up a game where we were someone that has to touch us then that person that got touched was the person that was supposed to touch every one else. We called it tag. When the sun was starting to set my dad called me in for dinner. We ate potato with cabbage leaves and it was really good. After dinner we went to bed. Oh I pretty much forgot about the date so the date is 1228 on June 10th and my birthday is 1218 February 12 th.
A little bit about my tribe We eat Food from crops like potatoes and carrots and meat. The houses that we live in are called pueblos they are made of sandstone and go really high. We also weave baskets and clothing.
Geography of my tribal region journal entry #2 So now I guess you should know about the geography of my home so I will tell you. Our tribe lives under a large over hang in houses called pueblos. pueblos are really tall house that have multiple stories. The area looks very good to grow crop although it is getting harder each year to grow crops because of the heat. In fact I over heard my parents talking about moving in a couple years. So when I heard that I got nervous because I like the place we live in.
Weather journal entry #3 The weather here is very nice in fact I think its pretty suitable for weather. Its cool for winter and hot for summer so its pretty suitable for our crops so that’s probably why we inhabited this area. Although it is getting warmer and dryer every year so it gets a little harder to grow crops each year. I even over heard my parent talking about the tribe leaving in a couple years because of how dry its getting. So I'm kind of nervous of leaving because I’ve really this place. I mean we live under some stone to so that provides shade. Maybe its because the crops need sunlight and there getting to much. Either way I’ll miss the place even though it is pretty hot out there also we aren't getting much rain either. Maybe its because we don’t get that much water from the creek any more
First reflection We have moved sooner than I thought we would we have found a cool place with bigger creeks we even have a river not far down the mountain we have bigger game and less forest fires but it is colder to so it makes it a little harder to hunt. I'm sorry I haven't been writing lately but there wasn't much happening and I didn’t have time to write while we were moving. Every thing seems much better to. I even have more room to play with my friends and I get to see moose and bears and a lot more stuff.
XD Second reflection XD I really liked this project because I got to show all that I know about the anasazi and I know a lot because I went to mesa Verde when I was 9 and I learned a lot about the anasazi. My most favorite slide to make was probable the geography of my tribe because I really like geography. I think that I would give myself a A or a high B because I described a lot about my tribe. I hope I get a great grade.
bibliography Romano, G. "anasazi indians." o/anasazi.htm. n.p., Web. 20 Oct Hur, ben. "mesa verde national park." ational-parks/mesa-verde-national-park/. n.p., 28 May Web. 23 Oct