Mission Possible B
Safety Students must be supervised at all times. Use the score sheet as a guide.
TSL 1. Drop a quarter from above device. (4a) 2. Quarter triggers mousetrap which pulls string. 3. Pulling string operates pulley system w/ IMA>2 lifting object 10 cm. (4f + SM) 4. Object knocks 2 nd object off ledge, pulls string pulling egg apart. (4b) 5. Contents of egg fall and trip spring. (4e) 6. Spring raises container which trips and pours sand into higher container (4j) 7. Container falls and operates 2 levers w/ IMA=10. (4g + self explain IMA) 8. Object lifted by levers pushes another object off ledge. Falling object works pulleys which lift platform completing final task. Platform is lifted by 50 cm. (4m + self meas. 50 cm.)
Set-up Time 30 minutes Plan ahead! Everyone has a job! Allow time for testing, but Don’t overdo it! Don’t run down your batteries! Make sure it is ready to run! Relax!
Self-Measure-Distances Tasks 4c 4d 4f 4h 4i 4l
Self-Explain I.M.A.s Tasks 4f and 4g
Drop a Quarter to initiate an action
Timing Starts When? The quarter is first dropped.
Timing Stops When? Top of device
4j. What does “higher” mean?
4l. The Special Task 20 points + Mass in grams/50 (max=100 pts.) + Vertical distance mass is raised (in whole cm.) > 10 cm. Limit = 45°
4m. The Final Task Requirements: 1. Describes sizes and requirements for objects; 2. Describes requirements for the platform & objects can not be held in any way; 3. Describes positioning and stance of objects on platform; 4. During the run, only items allowed on the platform are those at the start. YES NO
Whole Seconds What is a “whole” second?
Penalties Touches = Adjustments = Restarts = 15 points each time
Penalties TIME 1 point per whole second over the “ideal” time
Serious Offenses Stalling-not immediately trying to re-start the device when the action stops Interrupting the device when it is working to gain an advantage in time points The penalty is disqualification
Outside Help
Breaking Ties 1. Fewest penalty points; 2. Most sand timer points; 3. Closest to ideal time. Mission Possible Scoreboard Home Visitor 753
Tiers & More Tears 1. No violations (penalties are OK) 2. Competition violations 3. Construction violations 4. Late impound Unsafe device Disqualification
So which is it?