Basics of the Instructional Design Mart Laanpere
Instructional design n … is a set of systematic procedures for the development of instructional (teaching) materials and learning environments. n Linking the learning theory with practice of preparing the effective instruction (supporting the effective learning). n Examples of instructional design projects: –preparing a performance support system for bank tellers after changing the software –designing an on-line learning environment –creating a user manual of a VCR
Instructional design models n Procedural and conceptual models n Based on theory (learning theory, systems theory) and practical routines (company, military, software development) n Media, production, cookbook, design and systems models n Three examples
Simplest ID model: ADDIE n A nalysis - target group, content, job n D esign - objectives, strategies, tactics, assessment, motivation n D evelopment - materials, tools, tests n I mplementation - pilot test, tutor training, marketing n E valuation - formative, summative
The model of Leshin, Pollock, Reigeluth 1.Analyze problem 2.Analyze domains 3.Analyze & sequence tasks 4.Analyze & sequence supporting content 5.Specify learning events & activities 6.Perform interactive message design 7.Evaluate instruction Analyzing needs Selecting & sequencing content Developing lessons Evaluating instruction
Jonassen: CCC Construction Context Collaboration Social negotiation of meaning Authentic activities Personal construction of knowledge Metacognition Reflective self- evaluation Real-world problems Coaching
Links n Short overview of the simplest approach to instructional design (ADDIE model): tructionaldesign/materials.htm n Almost exhaustive collection of materials on ID: y.php3?track_id=5207