Houlin Zhao Deputy Secretary-General, ITU New ITU Directions in the field of ICT for Innovation International Telecommunication Union Waseda University Symposium, 23 March 2007
International Telecommunication Union Invention of the first electric telegraph 1844Samuel Morse sent his first public message over a telegraph Iine between Washington and Baltimore 17 May 1865Foundation of the “International Telegraph Union” with the adoption of the “First International Telegraph Convention” 1876Alexander Graham Bell patents his invention of the telephone 1906First “International Radiotelegraph Convention” signed 1924Paris - Creation of CCIF (International Telephone Consultative Committee) 1925Paris - Creation of CCIT (International Telegraph Consultative Committee) 1927Washington - Creation of the CCIR (Intl. Radio Consultative Committee) 1932Madrid - Plenipotentiary Conference. Telegraph Union changes name to International Telecommunication Union 1947ITU becomes a Specialized Agency of the United Nations 1956Geneva - CCIF and CCIT merged into CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) 1992Geneva - Plenipotentiary Conference. Creation of 3 Sectors: ITU-T replaces CCITT, ITU-R replaces IFRB, CCIR, and ITU-D replaces TCD ITU Landmarks
International Telecommunication Union 3 Telegraph:Morse Code telegraph telex (wireless) (wired + wireless) Telephone:analogue digital IP Telephony Network Switch:manual, automatic (mechanic), SPC (circuit switch, packet switch), ISDN/B-ISDN, TMN, NGN Data:PSS, connectionless, internet Transmission:cable, submarine cable, optical fibre, microwave, radio; broadband, PCM, DSL, LAN, DWDM, CWDM, TDM, SDH, FR, ADPCM, OTN, PON, GPON Coding:Voice coding, fax coding, still image coding, moving image coding (MPEG) TV:black and white, colour, high definition TV, digital TV, Cable TV, IPTV Mobile/cellular:analogue, digital (GSM, CDMA), IMT-2000 (3G), Mobile TV Radio:SOS, VHF/UHF, LF/MF broadcasting, satellite, space communications Languages:CHILL, TTCN, ASN.1, etc. Other areas:QoS, security, numbering and addressing, tariff and accounting, etc. New topics: LAN, WLAN, Wi-Fi, WiMax, ENUM, IPv6, Universal access, Multilingual internet Home networking, IPTV, RFID also Spam, virus, phishing, hackers, … Telecommunications evolution
International Telecommunication Union 4 Competing Technologies Relative speeds (in Mbit/s) GPRS CDMA x EV-DO CDMA x EV-DV WCDMA (HSDPA) (Wi-Fi) b g a ADSL VDSL Fibre-to-the-home Fixed WLAN Mobile
International Telecommunication Union 5 The trade-off between mobility and speed high- speed high - mobility low-mobility low- speed - xDSL - FTTH - Wi-Fi - 2G, e.g. GSM - 2.5G - early 3G Mobile Broadband: 3G + Mobile-Fi? WiMax ? Body/personal area networks e.g. - RFID - Zigbee still largely untapped markets !
International Telecommunication Union 6 25 years of policy & regulatory reform ~25 years ago, AT&T formally agreed to the break-up of Bell system; about 10 years ago, in concluding the WTO basic telecoms agreement, some 80 countries have committed to telecoms market liberalization; Now, 145 independent regulators established; Countries with privatized operators and some degree of competition are now in majority among ITU 191 Member States. Many new comers, ISPs joined the markets
International Telecommunication Union 7 Mega-internet service providers like Google, MSN, eBay and Yahoo strong brands, deep pockets entering audiovisual content business - Most internet traffic will be video in a few years entering voice markets and some infrastructure provisioning New players
International Telecommunication Union 8 Anytime, Anywhere, by Anything and Anyone A ubiquitous network society is a society where it is possible to seamlessly connect “anytime, anywhere, by anything and anyone”, and to exchange a wide range of information by means of accessible, affordable and user friendly devices and services. … It will support the design and realization of a people- centered information society, where the secure and reliable flow of information will be ensured. Chairman’s Report, WSIS Thematic Meeting on “Ubiquitous Networks Societies”, Tokyo, May 2005, Para 4.
International Telecommunication Union 9 A new ubiquity for technology … Marc Weiser ’ s vision: dedicated IT devices will eventually disappear, while information processing capabilities will be increasingly available Ubiquity refers to unobtrusive connectivity anytime and anywhere, by anyone … Extending connectivity to the underserved Early example: reaching two billion mobile phones in 2005 … but also by anything Creating a “ network of things ”
International Telecommunication Union 10 Four key technological enablers T agging Things : R FID enabling real-time identification and tracking S ensing Things : S ensor technologies enabling detection of environmental status and sensory information T hinking Things : S mart technologies building intelligence into the edges of the network enabling smart homes, smart vehicles etc S hrinking Things : N anotechnology making possible the “ networking ” of smaller and smaller objects (more powerful?!)
International Telecommunication Union 11 Characteristics of 21 st Century Networks High-speed, high-capacity Interchangeably fixed or mobile Differing ranges for different networks Each household or office may have dozens of devices and sensors connected Billions of objects will have RFID chips Flat-rate pricing models will be dominant Options to pay for premium content, extra security etc
International Telecommunication Union 12 Recent developments in ITU work on innovation (I) 2003: Study Group Question on Telecoms for Disaster Relief launched 2004: NGN Focus Group established, for smooth transition from PSTN to IP 2004: Study Group Question on Distributed Speech Recognition (DSR) and Distributed Speaker Verification (DSV) launched Feb 2006: Work begins on RFID April 2006: IPTV Focus Group formed May 2006: VDSL2 standards established June 2006: Regional Radio Conference establishes transition plan for digital broadcasting
International Telecommunication Union 13 November 2006: PP-06 Resolution 133 continues work on internationalised domain names January 2007: ITU-T and Universities workshop January 2007: New Initiatives workshop on “ Future of Voice ” January 2007: Workshop on “ Market mechanisms for spectrum management ” February 2007: Focus Group on Identity Management formed February 2007: Study Group 2 discusses numbering allocation for Child HelpLine Int ’ l March 2007: Fully-networked car workshop (during Geneva car show) Recent developments in ITU work on innovation (Cont ’ d)
International Telecommunication Union 14 Recent developments in ITU work: Focus on Cybersecurity July 2004: ITU hosts WSIS Thematic Meeting on combating spam Nov 2005: ITU nominated by WSIS as coordinator for action line C5 (Cybersecurity) May 2006: “ Partnerships in Global Cybersecurity ” launched following May meeting May 2006: Cybersecurity gateway launched ( October 2006: ITU joins “ Stop Spam Alliance ” with other international organisations Nov 2006: PP-06 identifies cybersecurity as a high priority work item in Res 130 May 2007: Second C5 facilitation meeting to be held, May 2007, Geneva
International Telecommunication Union 15 See you in ITU, Geneva Thank you Houlin Zhao ITU Deputy Secretary-General Tel: Fax: