Some Comments on ccTLD Manager Local & Global Responsibilities Frank March Chair,.nz Oversight Committee (NZOC) (also IT & Telecoms Policy Group)
Brief outline management structure Policy issues for InternetNZ Concerns & position of NZ government NZOC priorities Concluding remarks
InternetNZ The Internet Society of New Zealand, Inc. An Incorporated Society owned by its members Delegated responsibility for domain name space fits with InternetNZ InternetNZ Council Open membership NZRS Shared Registry NZOC DNC
.nz Oversight Committee (NZOC) A sub-committee of InternetNZ with delegated authority to: Effectively manage domain name space Develop policies and procedures Govern operational elements of the management of ccTLD
.nz Oversight Committee (NZOC) Composition Group of appointed experts with expertise in: Consumer protection Government process Internet industry (NOT registrars) InternetNZ Council
Domain Name Commissioner The Office of the DNC is responsible for the day to day oversight of space operation including Authorise registrars Monitor registrar activities, compliance policies and procedures Handle complaints that arising in market Protect the rights and relationships of all parties in market (registrars, registrants, registry)
Critical Policy Issues Manager System integrity: NZRS governance and management Contractual relationships incl. IANA functions Security, performance, functionality Access issues: Rights, roles and responsibilities of registry, registrars & registrants ‘Environmental’ issues: WHOIS, DRP, IDN, 2LDs, moderation policies, …..
Critical Internet Issues for NZ Government Private sector should lead development Should be market & technology driven Regulation should be predictable, minimalist, consistent & technology-neutral & ensure competition Global issues such as jurisdiction & IPR subject to international agreements
NZOC Priorities 1. Rights of the DN Holder - consumer protection, privacy, stability 2. Registrar issues: competition, business practice, registry function & performance 3. Adherence to international best practices & policies
Concluding Remarks ccTLD issues are important, nevertheless only part of a wide range of matters of interest to Internet community of users TLD issues of global effect are important, nevertheless only part of a wide range of matters of interest to cc DN holders With the Internet: international co-operation and co-ordination are critical; coercion is likely to fail