São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013 Environmental Sustainability Solutions for Sustainable Management Erika Barbosa Ribeiro, Project Coordinator, CPqD ITU Workshop on “Smart Sustainable Cities in Latin America” (São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013)
Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications: A private foundation located in Campinas, SP, that was the technology arm of the state holding company Telebras, prior to its dissolution following privatization of the telecom sector. CPqD Focused on innovation through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). CPqD develops the most extensive research and development program in ICT in Latin America.
Script Motivators Objectives Market and Business Drivers Success Story (Energy Module) Distinguishing Features CPqD Areas of Sustainable Activity CPqD Sustainability Management Tool
Motivators Compliance with regulatory milestones Law No /2010 (National Solid Waste Policy) Market posture Simplified data management Quality management data readily available
Motivators Expenditure rationalization Electric Power Water Waste Company activities performed with social, environmental and economic responsibility
Objectives Efficient use of natural resources Waste treatment cost control Minimize waste for production cost reduction Maintain operating conditions to ensure high standard of quality Improved company image (environmental responsibility) Data cross referencing for quick, accurate information MANAGEMENT
Market and Business Drivers MARKET AND BUSINESS DRIVERS Minimized operational costs Employee involvement/motiva tion Possibilities for increasing revenue Constant monitoring of defined indicators Customer loyalty and retention Strengthened brand
CPqD Areas of Sustainable Activity CPqD Areas of Sustainable Activity include: Consulting Services Research and Development (R&D) Service providing with SW support -Recycling Technology - ISO Audits - Life Cycle Analysis - Renewable Energy - Efficient Energy Use - Free Energy Market - Reverse Logistics - Environmental Analysis of Projects - Smart Grid - Electric Vehicles - Renewable Energy - Application of Recycled materials in New Products - On line water quality monitoring - Electric Power Management - Water Management - Waste Management - Indicator Management (GRI) - Greenhouse Gas Management - Reverse Logistics
CPqD Sustainability Management Tool Methodologies and Procedures Supported by integrated data platform Associated services (consulting and others) Features management follow-through module (including mobile device support) Technical knowledge allows companies to strategically manage environmental indicators
CPqD Sustainability Management Tool Environmental Waste Management Reverse Logistics Water Management Greenhouse Gas Management *ISE & GRI* (Indexes) Business Sustainability Management Electric Power Management
Module: Energy
Service providing with SW support Energy Module features Invoice Management Efficient Energy Use Program Investment Program Consumption/Expenditure Management Contract Management
Service providing with SW support Stages and Macro Activities Expenditure Control Data loading Initial analysis Negotiations with power companies Software tool customization Expenditure/Consum ption Control Rationalizing Use Registering equipment Correlating equipment x consumption Rationalization Plan Follow-through Investment in Efficiency Efficiency analysis Investment Plan Consulting Services: Acquisition Deployment Monitoring Stage I Stage II Stage III Waste Expenditure Control Efficiency
Proposed Management Tool Model Stage I Invoice Analysis Stage II Rationalizing Use Stage III Investment Invoice Management Expenditure Control Consumption Management Permanent Management Management Tool
Success Story Customer sector: Telecommunications Main Challenges Reduce electric power spending. Centralize electric bill information, including rates, taxes and utility concession agreements. Update consumer unit record sets (BTS, Buildings, and others). Make electric power consumption transparent on a corporate level. Help survey electric power environmental indicators. Objectives Facilitate the generation of specialized and managerial reports (by unit and cost center), as well as run simulations and technical/economical analyses. Provide up front resource demand planning. Identify potential units for electric power spending reduction. Define actions for the responsible use of this valuable natural resource and reduce consumption. Main Benefits Reduction of electric power spending by providing greater control over consumption, renegotiating agreements and identifying billing errors. Updating record sets of thousands of consumer units. Renegotiation of energy contracts accounted for average savings in the range of 20 percent. Greater operational efficiency. Module: Energy
Service providing with SW support ASSOCIATED SERVICES Studies to eliminate fines Contract optimization studies Comparative analyses between units Monthly billing audits Technical and commercial consulting services for relationships with utility concession companies and regulatory agencies Managerial report generation
Other ongoing projects CPqD has worked conjointly with electric power distributors on several projects, and created proposals for new projects in the following areas: Smart Grids Renewable and alternative sources of energy Electric Vehicles Management action for meeting demand Smart Cities Smart Homes Sustainable Building, for increased energy efficiency in buildings