Jeju, 13 – 16 May 2013TBD GRSC-10 Summary Report Dr. YounKwan Kim GRSC-10 Chair, TTA Document No: GSC17-CL-32r2 Source: GRSC-10 Contact: Dr. Younkwan Kim(TTA) GSC Session: Closing Plenary Agenda Item: 2.3
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT 2 General Overview Meeting held on 15 May 41 attendees 17 input documents Meeting report from GRSC-9 (ISACC) noted 3 High Interest Subject (HIS) panel sessions –Broadband Wireless Access, RLANs & ad-hoc Networking –Mobile Multimedia Broadcast & Multicast –Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS) 3 Task Force Reports –IMT Task Force –Radio Microphone Task Force –Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Task Force
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT General Overview 2 Resolutions that do not map to HIS or TF –Res13: Global UWB Standardization including UWB Radar and Sensor/Imaging Applications –Res: 19: Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies, associated Measurement Uncertainty and Calibration 3
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT 4 HIS: Broadband Wireless Access, RLANs and ad-hoc Networking (ISACC) Contributions from ARIB (02), ISACC (11), TIA (12), CCSA (13) and ETSI (16) –Highlights & next steps ARIB: Established a WLAN Systems R&D Group for the advancement and improvement of WLAN systems reliability TIA: Working with 3GPP2 to develop specifications to support cdma2000 ® -based Femtocells; ongoing coordination with Broadband Forum and Femto Forum CCSA: Promote consensus on the industry applications and service requirements of TD-LTE based BWA trunking system ETSI: Update on DECT ULE; new harmonized ENs for 5 GHz RLAN standard, white space devices in UHF and 2.4 GHz ISM band equipment Resolution –Revise Resolution to promote spectrum harmonization –Keep as HIS
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT 5 HIS: Reconfigurable Radio Systems (TIA) Contributions from ARIB(04), ETSI(07), TIA(14), ISACC(10) Highlights –ETSI has taken a leadership position with TC RRS –Reconfigurable radio systems, including cognitive radio systems and white space utilization are attracting attention in many parts of the world Resolution –Update the resolution on RRS to reflect ITU activities –Keep as HIS
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT 6 HIS: Mobile Multimedia Broadcast & Multicast (TIA) Contributions from ARIB (03), ETSI (06) and TIA (09 ) Highlights –Work on MMBS is still active but is slowing relative to past years –MMBS efforts are involving several Forums and multiple technologies –Work accomplishments include improvements for MBMS for LTE (RAN) and FEC, digital TV switchover and commercial service NOTTV launch Next Steps –Improvement of performance in mobile/portable environments with reasonable complexity and with reduction of overhead –Rollout of digital radio across Europe and wider penetration of commercial mobile broadcasting in Japan –Continue activities toward global harmonization Resolution –Propose reaffirmation of Resolution 17 on Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast –Keep As HIS
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT 7 Task Force Reports: IMT Contributions from ARIB (05) and TTA (GSC17-PLEN-77) –Highlights & Next Steps Task Force: proposes that GSC endorses the further continuation of the IMT Task Force to exchange information and views with goal of additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis and identification of additional frequency bands for IMT and related regulatory provisions in the WRC-15; and requests its PSOs to review their national/regional activities and to report on their progress to the Task Force and at the next GSC meeting. TTA: Information on vision, key enabling technologies, higher frequency bands and possible deployment scenario for 5G system Recommendation(s) –Updates and modifies the GSC-16 Resolution on IMT Standardization in order to include the current activities of ITU-R WP5D, 3GPP and PSOs; and –Retain as the High Interest Subject for the GSC-18 meeting
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT 8 Task Force Reports: Radio Microphones Contribution: ETSI(08) Summary –Within Europe the implementation of the MFCN MHz spectrum and White Space Device proposals for the MHz band has resulted in a number of CEPT groups investigating both spectrum requirements and testing programs for radio microphone compatibility with these services –This is the first time that such extensive work has been carried out by the Task Force and a number of documents have been placed in the Task Force Docbox along with the published output of the Cognitive PMSE group –Significant work has been done in ETSI STF 386 and the German C-PMSE group Resolution –Reaffirm resolution 20
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT 9 Task Force Reports: Electronic Article Surveillance Contribution: ETSI(15) Summary –Task Force created through Resolution GSC-15/33 with Jacques Hulshof (ETSI) was appointed as Convenor –An list was setup in September 2011 –The progress report to GSC-16 indicated no real activity at GSC-level but the Task Force was continued for one further period –Since GSC-16 the Task Force has been dormant –It is proposed that this Task Force be closed and the HIS deleted Resolution –Remove resolution 33
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT 10 Resolutions Actions from GRSC-10 GSC-16/13: (GRSC) Global UWB Standardization including UWB Radar and Sensor/Imaging Applications (Reaffirm) * GSC-16/15: (GRSC) Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS) (Revise) GSC-16/17: (GRSC) Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast (Reaffirm) GSC-16/19: (GRSC) Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies, associated Measurement Uncertainty and Calibration (Reaffirm) * GSC-16/20: (GRSC) Radio Microphones and Cordless Audio Standardization (Reaffirm) GSC-16/21: (GRSC) Broadband Wireless Access, RLANs and ad-hoc Networking (Revise) GSC-16/33: (GRSC) Radio Aspects of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Systems (Withdraw) * Resolutions that do not map to HIS or Task Force
GSC17-CL-03r2 GSC-17, Jeju / Korea Standards for Shared ICT 11 Thanks to The GRSC-10 Vice-Chairs –Ms. Cindy Cook(ISACC), Mr. Adrian Scrase(ETSI) The HIS Panel Session Lead –Ms. Cindy Cook(ISACC), Mr. Mark Epstein(TIA), Mr. T. Russ Shields(TIA) The Task Force Speakers –Dr. Kohei Satoh(ARIB), Mr. Adrian Scrase(ETSI) The Rapporteur –Mr. Peter J. Kim The presenters and participants