VBL30 ID Rendering Report
LCD Cover IMR Metal gray High glosses with Muller Pattern
LCD Bezel HTM (Share with NCL50) Resin Black C LCD Bezel HTM (Share with NCL50) Resin Black C
KB Lens Texture Resin Transparence with 0.003% TiO2 Systems lens Painting + laser icon T/P button : Plate chromium Touch Pad: Resin Special texture Black C( Polish and matt) Strip cover Mylar Mylar: Matt Black Logic Upper B Resin Special texture Paint TOP: Warm sliver (Mask) Bottom: Black C Logic up A: Resin Special texture Painting PU (Black C)
Power Button: + Plate Shine chromium Power Button around: Painting : Shine sliver + UV Power Lens: Resin Transparence with 0.03% TiO2 Strip Cover: Painting: PU (Black C)+ Mask