CIP Part III: Goals to Address AMAO/ELP Needs
The Flow of the CIP Process Needs assessment CIP reflection/ projection notes Data Goals written to Address Academic Needs Goal Research Based instruction al strategy Strategies Incrementa l strategic steps taken by teachers and students Action Steps How will progress be measured ? Benchmark Determine timely assistance if student performance does not change Intervention
Goals to Address AMAO/ELP Needs Format is the same for the EL Goal page as for the Academic (Reading and Math) pages. However… the reports that you use to determine your weaknesses are different. Remember: It is very important that if you have one EL student at your school that you include an EL teacher on your writing team. The n-count for AMAOs is 10. There is now an option on eCIP to indicate if you have no EL subgroup at your school.
Writing the Goals for AMAO / ELP Needs
Strategy How is it written in the eCIP? Strategy Name- Short descriptive title of the strategy Description of Strategy- What is the “big idea”?
Needs Assessment CIP Reflection /Projection notes Data Goals written to Address Academic Needs Goal Research Based instructional strategy Strategies Incremental strategic steps taken by teachers and students Action Steps The Flow of the CIP Process
Action Steps What steps of the strategy are non negotiable for the success of your students? Try to make the steps sequential -make sure it flows. Describe what teacher and student behavior will be seen in the classroom. Make sure the steps have RIGOR.
Needs and Assessme nt CIP Reflection /Projection Data Goals written to Address Academic Needs Goal Research Based instruction al strategy Strategies Incremental strategic steps taken by teachers and students Action Steps How will progress be measured? Benchmark The Flow of the CIP Process
Benchmarks Progress measurement is necessary for the overall strategy and each action step. As a team/school you must determine your checks for the transfer of learning, checks for accuracy, extent, depth and gaps in learning.
Needs Assess ment CIP Faculty / Project ion Notes Data Goals written to Addre ss Acade mic Needs Goal Research Based instructio nal strategy rate Stgies Increm ental strategi c steps taken by teacher s and student s Action Steps How will progress be measured? Benchmark Determine timely assistance if student performance does not change Intervention The Flow of the CIP Process
Points to Remember Effective Strategies and Action steps: Are measurable Include but are not solely centered around remediation/intervention Address core instruction Require evidence that is observable in a classroom, not just found in a box Involve more than just Math and Reading teachers