Semester Exam Study Part II Answers
A-bombs dropped on ? (cities) Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Sudetenland Hitler demanded this area from Czechoslovakia
Japanese-Americans internment camps Pres. Roosevelt set these camps up (claimed it was for national security)
Pearl Harbor attack (month, day, year) Dec. 7, 1941
Country invaded (started war) Poland was invaded by Germany
appeasement Giving in to an aggressor to keep peace
blitzkrieg Germany’s new military strategy during WWII (“lightning war”)
Manhattan project This secret group developed the A-bomb
The Great Depression (country) U.S. Great Depression started a worldwide depression
Germany’s last attempt at victory Battle of the Bulge
Germany & inflation Germany caused inflation (value of the $ decreases) by printing more money
V-E Day Victory in Europe Day Pres. Truman declared this when the Nazis surrendered
Capital split in Germany Berlin (into 4 zones)
2 issues discussed at the Yalta Conference What govt. Poland should have How to divide Germany
Berlin Airlift Started because Stalin was blocking Allied access (including supplies) to West Berlin
Beginning year for the Cold War 1945 (when WWII ended)
NATO This organization was formed and its members agreed that “an armed attack against one or more of them…shall be considered an attack against them all.”
Vietnam (dividing line) 17 th parallel
Warsaw Pact Organization formed in 1955 and consisted of the Soviet Union and its satellite nations
Mao Zedong He established a communist govt. in China
Viet-cong These were communist guerrillas in South Vietnam
Israel gain statehood (year) 1948
Korean War (cause & end) Cause- when North Korea crossed the 38 parallel End- Korea is still divided at the 38 th parallel
Bay of Pigs invasion (and who they tried to overthrow) Disaster for the U.S. happened when the air strike failed to destroy Cuba’s air power & the Cuban exiles were captured Tried to overthrow Castro
Ending year for the Cold War 1991
The Berlin Wall (and year torn down) Was built to prevent East Germans from escaping into West Germany 1989
Containment of ? communism
Cuban Missile Crisis Started because the Soviet Union was moving nuclear missiles to Cuba
Ho Chi Minh Leader of North Vietnam
Germany (split into how many zones) 4
Ngo Dinh Diem Leader of South Vietnam