Pennsylvania Fish Species 160 Native to PA Study of fish biology: Ichthyology
General Classification Spiny-rayed fish Hard, sometimes sharp spines in dorsal fin Ex. Yellow Perch
General Classification Soft-rayed fish Dorsal fin is without hard spines Usually have only 1 dorsal fin Adipose fin: small, fatty fin near caudal fin Ex. Trout
General Characteristics Ectothermic: temperature of surroundings affects internal temperature and functions Temperature of water is the main determinant of what species you will find in a given body of water 3 main groups: Cold water-< 70 degrees F Cool water-- > 60 <80 degrees F Warm water-- > 80 degrees F
General Characteristics Some of the temperature ranges may overlap Water temperature and dissolved oxygen are related Higher water temperature, Lower DO Lower water temperature, Higher DO
Channel Catfish
Channel Cat
Northern Hogsucker
Brook Trout
Brown Trout
Brown Trout
Rainbow Trout
Rainbow Trout
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
Black Crappie
Largemouth Bass
Yellow Perch
Striped Bass ( Temperate Bass Family )
Striped Bass
Creek Chub
Creek Chub
Bluntnose Minnow
American Eel
American Eel
Fish Adaptations: Scales Hard, sometimes colorful, overlapping plates Provides protection from predators and disease/ infection
4 Types of Scales 1. Placoid: rectangular base, under the skin, spines project to the surface of the skin New scales are added, do not grow with the fish Examples: sharks, skates, rays
Shark: Placoid Scales
Skate: Placoid Scales
Ray: Placoid Scales
4 Types of Scales 2. Ganoid: rhombus shape, connected by peg and socket joints Do not grow with fish, new ones are added Examples: Gar, Paddlefish, Sturgeon
Longnose Gar: Ganoid Scales Garpike
Sturgeon: Ganoid Scales
Paddlefish: Ganoid Scales
4 Types of Scales 3. Ctenoid: overlapping, allow great maneuverability as fish bends Grows with fish, found in spiny rayed fish
Ctenoid Scales
4 Types of Scales 4. Cycloid: same as ctenoid functions Smooth margin, soft-rayed fish Grows with fish
Cycloid Scales: Catfish
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