Coach Crews World History Rome Becomes an Empire
Rome Become an Empire 1. Caesar’s Death - Civil war between his killers and Octavian, his grandnephew - Second Triumvirate formed in 43 B.C. (Octavian, Antony, Lepidus)
Rome Become an Empire 2. The Second Triumvirate - Quarreling began among the men - Lepidus retires, Octavian and Antony divide the land - Antony falls in love with Cleopatra - Octavian tells everyone Antony wants to become the sole ruler with Cleopatra’s help
Rome Become an Empire - Octavian declares war on Antony - Battle of Actium in 31 B.C., the couple flees - Octavian tracks them down and they kill themselves - At age 32, Octavian stood alone at the top of the Roman world
Rome Become an Empire 3. Who was Augustus? - Octavian knew the people preferred a republic - Octavian restored the republic, following the teaching of Cicero - He gave the Senate little power - He took the title of Augustus, “the majestic one”
Important Events – What shaped his life? Description – What adjectives describe him? Quotations – Something said directly about him Facts