I. Confirm Implementation of the CIP II. Assess the Effectiveness of the Strategies, Action Steps, Benchmarks III. Provide Feedback to CIP Team and Faculty IV. Provide Feedback to the LEA V. Guide the School/LEA in Determining Next Steps of Support Purpose of the Mid Year Review
First Hour of the Review Welcome/Summary – The Principal should bring the Mid Year Review Team up to date on summary of past reviews and share benchmark data that supports that the plan has been successful improving student success. (20 Minutes) Assignments – Team members will be assigned their role for the day and then given the forms that they need in order to record observations and comments. Each team will meet individually to go over forms for understanding. (20 Minutes) Coming to Consensus – The SIS will lead a short discussion on what “key terms” included in the plan should “look like” during the observation time. (20 Minutes)
Second Hour+ of the Review Five MYR Components – The five components can run simultaneously. CIP Walkthrough Teams: 1 – 4 teams of 2 – 3 members each depending on size of school CIP Evidence Box Check Team: 1 team of 2 people CIP Teacher Face to Face Interview Teams: 2 -4 teams of 1-2 members each CIP Student Face to Face Interview Teams: 2 – 4 teams of 1–2 members each CIP Student Interviews By Survey: 1-2 members depending on size of school (survey 10%-20% of total student population) Both of these components in blue can be completed on another day. If so, they should be conducted by an “outside” team of people. A representative of the team should attend the report out on the day of the review – bring the group the questions and share findings
Third Hour of the Review Reflection/Summary/ Next Steps All three teams (walk-through, Evidence Box, and Student Interview) teams will meet together after they complete their task to combine totals. The appointed typist will project the report form up on the screen for all to see. As the report out begins, one member from each team will report totals. Each team member should contribute comments to support the data that they report. These comments should highlight successes and identify opportunities for improvement. If time permits, the team can make suggestions for possible next steps.
After the Review Principal Summary – The Principal will report the findings to his/her CIP team and faculty in a timely manner. Any necessary amendments will be made to the plan. The Principal will also create a summary report to be sent to the SIS/LEA. Superintendent’s Meeting –The Principal’s report will be used as the basis for the discussion at the Superintendents meeting in February. The Principal should lead the discussion of findings. Both the LEA and Principal should leave the meeting with Short Term and Long Term Next Steps of support.
School:Date of Review:Time: Walkthrough Teams: The Midyear Review walkthrough “look – for’s” are determined entirely by the plan. As many teachers as possible should be seen during this time. If this is a school that has a Peer Mentor, then they should determine what teachers are seen. Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 Face to Face Teacher Interview Teams: It is recommended that groups of teachers be scheduled at 15 minute intervals. Team 1 - TeacherTeam 2 - TeacherTeam 3 - TeacherTeam 4 - Teacher Face to Face Student Interview Teams: Student groups must be representative of the school demographics. It is recommended that groups of students be scheduled at 15 minute intervals. Team 1 - StudentTeam 2 - StudentTeam 3 - StudentTeam 4 - Student Survey Interviews: To give substance to the data collected, at least 10% of the total student population needs to be interviewed or surveyed. Example: 450 students…at least 45 students need to be interviewed or surveyed. Team 1 Evidence Box Team: All SI schools are required to provide documentation/evidence that supports implementation of the plan by all teachers Team 1 Mid Year Review Planning Tool
Student and Teacher Interviews Questions: Notes/Group 1: Notes/Group 2: Notes/Group 3 Notes/Group 4 Overall Celebrations: Overall Concerns:
Roles of SIS and/or EL Contact and Principal SIS and/or EL Contact Conduct the Mid Year Review Pre Plan in December at the school Support the Principal in the preparation of the Mid Year Review Work with the RSIC to prepare the student and teacher interview questions and forms – plus the student survey Work with the RSIC on the “Key Term” portion of the Review Verify that all walkthrough, evidence and student/teacher interview forms are complete and bring copies for all participants to the MYR Day of review, lead the whole team in understanding “Key Terms”/Oversee the organization of the day/Type if necessary After review, assist Principal in preparing for February Roundtable Meeting Principal Prepare the introduction Schedule the walkthroughs and the student/ teacher interviews Participate on a team the day of the review Lead the reflection time at the end and begin summarizing information for the LEA summary report Share the results of the review with the CIP team and Faculty including celebrations, challenges, changes/amendments, and get input on next steps Begin preparing the presentation for the February Superintendents/Roundtable meeting with assistance from the SIS and/or EL Contact