Dictionary Skills Grade 3 Lesson 1 What is a Dictionary?
What will we learn today? What a dictionary is and why we use it Parts of a dictionary and how to use them
I can….. Look up words in alphabetical order in a dictionary and find their definitions (meanings) Find how to spell a word by looking it up in the dictionary Find the pronunciation of a word in the dictionary Find and use Guide Words in a dictionary Find the number of syllables in a word by looking it up in the dictionary
What is a Dictionary? A book of words, arranged in alphabetical order, that shows how to spell the words and tells their meanings.
Refer to a dictionary When you want to know: What a word means How to spell a word How to pronounce a word
Parts of a Dictionary Main Entry Words are set in bold type and stick out a bit from the meanings. This is to help you find the word easier. Guide Words tell you the first and last main entry words that appear on a page. grate greenhouse
Parts of a Dictionary Main Entry Words are listed in alphabetical order. Some words have more than one meaning. These are listed below the entry under different numbers.
Alphabetical Order Arrange these words in ABC order onion dandy boat office horse dart boat dandy dart horse office onion
Which of these entry words would be on a page with these guide words? line literacy list limp litter like linen liquid
Syllables A syllable is a unit of sound in a word. The word cat has one syllable. Syllable breaks may be indicated by small dots in main entry words: dic.tion.ar.y The word dictionary has four syllables.
Pronunciations Pronunciations, given in parentheses, follow most main entry words. sam.ple (sam-pul)
Review We use a dictionary to find the: Meaning of a word Spelling of a word Pronunciation of a word
Which of these entry words would be on a page with these guide words? Review - Guidewords Which of these entry words would be on a page with these guide words? cocoon cold code color coat coin