Content Shifts. KINDERGARTEN - GEOMETRY Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. 20. Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different.


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Presentation transcript:

Content Shifts

KINDERGARTEN - GEOMETRY Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. 20. Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/’corners’) and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length.) [K-G4] 21. Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes. [K-G5] 22. Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. [K-G6]

2003 ACOS Kindergarten 6. Create combinations of rectangles, squares, circles, and triangles using shapes or drawings ACOS Kindergarten 21. Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes. [K-G5] 22. Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. [K-G6] CORRELATES WITH

KINDERGARTEN - GEOMETRY Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. 20. Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/’corners’) and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length.) [K-G4] 21. Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes. [K-G5] 22. Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. [K-G6]

2003 ACOS First Grade 1.8.B.1 Describing similarities and differences between plane and solid shapes 2010 ACOS Kindergarten 20. Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/’corners’) and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length.) [K-G4] CORRELATES WITH

2003 ACOS2010 ACOS CURRENT ALABAMA CONTENT PLACEMENT2010 GRADE 1 CONTENT 1.1Demonstrate concepts of number sense by counting forward and backward by ones, twos, fives, and tens up to 100; counting forward and backward from an initial number other than 1; and using multiple representations for a given number Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. [1-NBT1] 1.1.B.1Identifying position using the ordinal numbers 1 st through 10 th CONTENT NO LONGER ADDRESSED IN GRADE B.2 Using vocabulary, including the terms equal, all, and none, to identify sets of objects 1.7. Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. [1-OA7] 1.1.B.3Recognizing that the quantity remains the same when the spatial arrangement changes CONTENT NOW ADDRESSED IN KINDERGARTEN: 1.4.b. Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. [K-CC4b]

2003 ACOS2010 ACOS CONTENT MOVED TO GRADE 1 IN 2010 ACOS 2.6Solve problems using the associative property of addition Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. (Students need not use formal terms for these properties.) [1-OA3] (Associative property of addition) 3.1.B.1Comparing numbers using the symbols >, <, =, and Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <. [1-NBT3] 4.10Complete addition and subtraction number sentences with a missing addend or subtrahend Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers. [1-OA8]


Grade 1 Content Correlation Which 2010 standard(s) correlates to standard 13 from the 2003 ACOS? Is there any additional content related to standard 13 that should be addressed in the upcoming school year? What content has been moved from Grade 3 to Grade 1? Is there any content that is no longer addressed in Grade 1? How many standards? Is there any content that is new to Alabama in Grade 1 in the 2010 ACOS?

How can I be sure my students are prepared for the implementation of the 2010 ACOS in the school year?

First Grade Mathematics Curriculum First Nine Weeks 2003 COS #DESCRIPTIONCONTENT TO BE ADDED 1.5.B B B.3 Create repeating patterns.  Describing characteristics of patterns  Extending patterns including number patterns  Identifying patterns in the environment B.1 Locate days, dates, and months on a calendar.  Using vocabulary associated with a calendar B.2 Demonstrate concepts of number sense by counting forward and backward by ones, twos, fives, and tens up to 100; counting forward and backward from an initial number other than 1; and using multiple representations for a given number.  Using vocabulary, including the terms equal, all, and none, to identify sets of objects B B B.5 Demonstrate concepts of number sense by counting forward and backward by ones, twos, fives, and tens up to 100; counting forward and backward from an initial number other than 1; and using multiple representations for a given number.  Recognizing that the quantity remains the same when the spatial arrangement changes  Determining the value of the digit in the ones place and the value of the digit in the tens place in a numeral  Determining the value of a number given the number of tens and ones NO NEW CONTENT 1.9. Count to 120, starting at any no. less than 120; Read & write numerals. Represent a number of objects with a numeral [1-NBT1] 1.7. Understand meaning of equal sign (=); Determine if addition & subtraction equation are true or false. [1-OA7] a.10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones. [1-NBT2a] 1.10.c.The numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones) [1-NBT2c]

Fourth Grade Pacing Guide Third Nine Weeks 2003COS #DESCRIPTIONCONTENT TO BE ADDED FROM Rename improper fractions as mixed numbers and mixed numbers as improper fractions. 4.4 Demonstrate addition and subtraction of fractions with common denominators. 4.8 Recognize equivalent forms of commonly used fractions and decimals Determine if outcomes of simple events are likely, unlikely, certain, equally likely, or impossible Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, or octagons based on the number of sides, angles, and vertices Find locations on a map or grid using ordered pairs Represent categorical and numerical data using tables and graphs, including bar graphs, and line plots. 4.14Measure length, width, weight, and capacity using metric and customary units, and temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius c. Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators [4-NF3c] Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators [4-NF2] NO NEW CONTENT Solve problems inv. addition & subtraction of fractions using information presented in line plots [4-MD4] Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse) and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two dimensional figures. [4-G1] Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines or angles of a specified size. [4-G2] Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two-column table. [4-MD1]

What about the assessments?

ACOS + Identified Content from 2010 ACOS 2010 ACOS + Identified Content from 2003 ACOS

ALSDE Office of Student Learning Curriculum and Instruction Section Cindy Freeman, Mathematics Specialist Phone: