Syllable Patterns: Consonant -le
How many syllables are in this word and how should it be divided? cattle How many syllables are in this word and how should it be divided? cat/tle This word has two syllables and should be divided between cat and tle The first syllable, cat, is a closed syllable, so the vowel in this syllable has a short sound The vowel sound in the second syllable, tle, is called a schwa. A schwa sound is neither long nor short.
How many syllables are in this word? Where would you divide this word? resemble How many syllables are in this word? Where would you divide this word? re/sem/ble re is an open syllable, so the vowel in this syllable has a long sound, sem is a closed syllable, so the vowel in this syllable has a short sound Divide a word into syllables before the consonant plus le Remember- if the previous syllable ends in a consonant (a closed syllable) the syllable is usually pronounced with a short sound, and if the previous syllable ends in a vowel (an open syllable) then the syllable is usually pronounced with a long vowel sound. Longer words may contain syllables with long vowel sounds and syllables with short vowel sounds.
Decode the following syllables and blend them to read the words. trample tram ple maple ma ple example ex am ple gul li ble gullible
Look in your science textbook. Find five longer words with the syllable pattern consonant –le. You will share with your table.