Computer 7 My Electronic Portfolio Heather Weller
Excel Spreadsheet We made a spreadsheet by comparing plane 1 and plane 2. I made a bar graph showing how far our two planes went. Our group was named The Jet Flyers. Our paper planes didn’t go very far.
The Jet Flyers Spreadsheet Graph
Access Database We created an Address Book in Microsoft Access. This is a book of made up address. I used Names, addresses, phone numbers, ext. I made this to show that I can use Microsoft access.
My Address Book Last Name First Name AddressCity Stat e Zip Code Phone Number Birthd ay Any Pets BaileyJack637 County Rd.NorthportAL /8/75N/AYes BohinHannah567 ABC Dr. 65th E. com Yes CarryMicheal980 Carmel St. NSan Fransisco CA /29/0 0 N/ANo ChalfontMarian294 Lynne Haven Dr. TuscaloosaAL /29/8 8 HelsonNathan728 Collens MessinaHenery678 Riverchase Rd. ReevesHeather456 WalkerMaria424 Quail Run WellerLinsey344 Valderdale St. Wigingto n Roger738 Spring Hill Dr. Oklahoma City WilsonJames680 Summerville Rd. com Yes ZingerMargo782 Plant Rd.Plant CityFL /30/8 4 m Yes
Tables in Word We made a Calendar in Microsoft Word. I learned how to make all of the squares even, put in pictures or clip art, and lots of other fun stuff on a calendar. This Calendar was the month of February which only has 28 days. I put decorations that represent the month of February. I also used the colors of February.
February SundayMondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFridaySaturday My Calendar
Animation I made an animation in Paint. What I did was I made a picture and then changed it a little by a little and then it makes it move. I used many different colors to make it interesting.
My Animation
PowerPoint Portfolio Project This is my PowerPoint Portfolio Project. I made this to include all of the things I made and learned in Computer Class 7 this year. I have included all of my projects and assignments in the front pages. This includes all of my projects this year 2002.