Independent Research Presentation Vaibhav Garg, PD 1 “Happy is he who gets to know the reasons for things.” -- Virgil (70-19 BCE Roman Poet)
Interest/Questions Why or how is there excess iron in the brain? Is excess iron in the brain a viable cause of AD? What is the relationship between excess iron in the brain and AD? What are the neurological effects of excess iron in the brain?
The Hunt for Advisers Radwa Aly, - Clinical Research of Neurology at George Washington University Dr. Othman Ghribi, - Associate Professor of Physiology at University of North Dakota Dr. William Klein, - Professor of Neurobiology at Northwestern University Dr. Paul Shepard - University of MD school of Medicine, Psychiatry Dr. James Connor - Professor of Neurosurgery and Neural/Behavioral Sciences, Penn State
Sources – Advisers
Research and Knowledge Gained What is Alzheimer’s disease?
Research and Knowledge Gained What does iron do in the brain, what are some of its functions and properties?
Purpose, Impact, Importance Where does the research go from here? - Properties of iron + Knowledge of AD = Relationship between the two. How can it be used? - Cause or contributing factor of AD - Treatments/medical advice accordingly
Closing Objectives: : Interest, Question, Advisers : Research and Knowledge Gained : Purpose, Impact, and Importance Any questions?