West Park Secondary School Guidance Services and Volunteer Info. Presentation For school year
THE WEST PARK GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT The Guidance Department assists students in making informed and responsible decisions about themselves, their educational plans and their career choices. We offer academic counselling, personnal counselling and provide leadership opportunities to further personal growth.
GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT SERVICES The Guidance Department is involved in providing many services within the school: assist and help students with course selection and appropriate level of study, timetable changes, intention sheet completion graduation requirements career planning post secondary planning -college and university, apprenticeships, school-to-work programs personal counselling leadership opportunities maintenance of student records liaison with feeder schools co-ordinating and tracking volunteer hours
Need Help? Info? Have a question or problem??? Students are encouraged to drop by for a visit or make an appointment with a counsellor. To make an appointment --- complete the orange appointment slip on the counter in Guidance (name, homeroom and reason for appointment) an appointment will be made for you --- delivered to you through your homeroom teacher --- date and time for you to leave class and come to Guidance The Guidance Department is located down the hall from the main office and is open from 8:00 am. to 3:00 pm.
- Stay Informed - Listen to announcements and v isit the West Park Guidance Website Weekly News Guidance News... you should know! Important Dates Post Secondary Educational Opportunities Career and Job Links Scholarships University and College Links Graduation 2011
DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma O.S.S.D. 30 credits (18 compulsory credits and 12 elective credits) 40 hours of community service Meet the provincial literacy requirement (successful completion of the OSSLT test or successfully pass the OLC Ontario Literacy Course)
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT HOURS MUST BENEFIT THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE. Please consider the difference between being a good neighbour and a community minded citizen. NO No, if it involves any form of payment (money, tickets, certification) or financial benefit/gain to agencies, foundations or associations No, if it displaces a paid worker (e.g. babysitting job). No, if it is during school time No, if it is a requirement of a class or course No, if it requires using power tools (lawn mower, snow blower No, if it requires using a ladder or scaffolding. No, if it involves banking, handling securities, jewelry, works of art, antiques or other valuables No, if it is normal duties performed at home No, if it is before you start Grade 9
YES Yes, if it is helping non-profit organizations, agencies, foundation or associations Yes, if it is not for personal gain Yes, if it is outside of school hours Yes, if it is an event/activity designed to benefit the community
We recommend that you do at least 10 hours a year … Start Now … Just do it! Do good work for your community! It benefits us all!