Imperialism WWI Russian Revolution WWIICold War
European nations colonized Africa in order to bring ________ back to European factories
Raw Materials
In order to facilitate the movement of raw materials out of Africa & India, European nations built ______________.
Railroads and Canals
The justification for European imperialism was found in the accepted theories of Racism and ________ _________.
Social Darwinism
Unlike China, Japan’s reaction to Imperialism was to undertake a ___________ campaign.
Westernization or modernization
The reason why European countries were able to subject native peoples to imperialism was largely due to __________ which came from the industrial age.
Modern weaponry.
The spark which ignited WWI was?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Which country in Europe was motivated by revenge in WWI over lost territory to Germany?
In order to win WWI, what did Germany’s Schlieffen Plan call for?
Germany to quickly defeat France (through Belgium) before Russia had a chance to mobilize its forces.
The Battle of the Marne was significant because it slowed Germany down and defeated the Schlieffen Plan which lead to a ______________
Stalemate on the Western Front
Name the treaty to end WWI
Versailles Treaty
One of the causes of the Russian Revolution is the interference of this strange religious holy man in the Tsarina’s government.
This man is responsible for organizing the Red Army who won the Russian Civil War.
Leon Trotsky
When Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne, he turned over power to this governing body.
The Duma or Provisional Government
This man’s campaign slogan was “Peace, Land, and Bread.” He is the ruler of the Soviet Union
Russia leaves WWI when the sign _____
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
The Battle of Midway is significant because...
Turning the tide in the Pacific; destruction of Japanese air craft carriers
Method used by allied forces to recapture some Japanese held islands while bypassing others
Island Hopping
Hitler used this action to destroy any faith the German people had in the German Communist Party Hint it was a fire
The Reichstag Fire
What is the significance of the Doolittle Raids?
showed that they were vulnerable, boost to US morale
What was the first thing Hitler did that went against the provisions of the Versailles Treaty?
Rebuilt the German military
Name a significant Soviet achievement in the space race.
First man in outer space, First satellite in outer space
Which European nation exhibited “independent communism?”
Please explain what a cult of personality is.
Worship of a sole leader of a nation much like a mythological hero or a god (through mass media) IE Stalin
After West Germany Joined NATO The Soviet Union formed
Warsaw Pact
The Korean War was largely fought by U.S. soldiers, but technically it was a police action declared by this world body...
The United Nations