Welcome Moonstars! Get ready to go on an incredible journey! “Study hard, laugh often, keep your honor” -Tim Russert
Get To Know Your Teacher …. SCHOOL PHONE: I have been a teacher for twenty-four years: ten years in California and fourteen years at Purdy. I have a Bachelor's Degree in English from the University of California, Irvine and a teaching credential in K-12 English and Multiple Subjects from the University of California, Riverside. I have a Master of Science Degree in Education Administration from National University.
Class Rules We follow the Seven Habits of Highly Successful Kids Habit 1-Be Proactive Habit 2-Begin with the End in Mind Habit 3-Put First Things First Habit 4-Think Win-Win Habit 5-Seek first to understand, then to be Understood Habit 6-Synergize Habit 7-Sharpen the Saw
Additional Policies In our fifth grade classroom, we have a special Friday Treat. I ask that every family sign up for one treat on a Friday during the school year. Please go to my website: to sign up. I ask that you bring a nutritious snack for 27 children. It does not have to be anything fancy; just a little treat to celebrate our week. If you would like to choose a day close to your child’s birthday, that would be great. Please sign up by clicking on the top bar when you go to the Friday Treat page, put your child’s name and use the alternate password zoefor123. Thank you for participating.
In addition to Making Meaning and Spotlight on Literacy, we will be using a comprehension strategy known as Signposts. After students become proficient at recognizing the signposts, we will begin book clubs this year, where student groups will be reading novels..
In fifth grade, students will add persuasive writing, along with narrative and expository writing to their toolbox of writing skills.
Math We have a new math program called en-Vision. Following the Common Core guidelines for fifth grade include decimals, fractions data, geometry, patterns and multiplication.
Social Studies In social studies, we will be studying American History, beginning with indigenous people, Colonial America, the Revolutionary War, the Constitution, the states and the time leading up to the Civil War.
In class, we will be studying science using Daily Science as a support for our science specialists Miss Troyer and Mrs. Pifer. We will study the scientific method, and our first area of study will be earth science. Science
Homework Policy Homework this year will be mostly work that is not completed in class. Students will have a weekly spelling packet that is given out on Monday and is due on Fri We will have a weekly spelling packet that will be handed out on Mondays and is due on Fridays, and they will have a spelling test on Fridays. Students may have writing assignment drafts as homework as well. They will occasionally have project-based activities as homework. Other than that, homework will generally consist of work not completed in class. Please do not expect nightly homework
Get Involved Please go on my website and sign up for a time that you would like to volunteer either in the classroom or on field trips. Click on the top bar on the page, sign up and use the alternate password zoefor123 to save. Feel free to e- mail me or if you have any
Contact Information elementary/moonteacher
Thank You I am looking forward to sharing your child’s incredible journey through fifth grade.