12/9 Mon. Bellringer What kind of narrator does Anderson use in Speak? How does this type of narrator limit what the readers know about story? In Speak, what don’t we know yet, but are given clues?
12/9 Small Group Assignment 1.Each number group will discuss and answer one question together. 2.Each member of the number group will have a letter. 3.After the number group answers the question, the letter groups will meet. 4.Each person in the letter group will present their answer. 5.Every person must write down the answers for every question.
Write down your number and letter on the top of your paper. ABCD 1Daniel B.Daniel A.BetsyGiselle 2YajairaRoxannaDaniel J.Jacob 3Patryk B.LeonClaudiaItzel 4JesusAlexisPatryk S.Nazar V. Wendy 5RonaldHerolyMohammed Hicham Nazar F.
Only answer your number group’s question. Answer in complete sentences. 1.Describe Melinda’s first encounter with IT. How does she react? Make a prediction about who IT is. 2.How do students make fun of Melinda in Spanish class? Why do they find the “joke” amusing? 3.Describe Melinda’s friendship with Heather. 4.What object does Melinda choose in art class as her year-long focus? What is her reaction? 5.How do Melinda’s parents react to her midterm grades? What is her response?
Present the answers in your letter group. In your letter groups read the question and the answer. Also tell your letter group where you found the information to answer the question. DO NOT just let your group copy your answer from your paper. Present your answer in English. DO NOT use your first language to present your answer.
12/13 Friday Bellringer In Speak what is used to symbolize how Melinda feels about her life?
12/13: Journal entry # 3 (write after you are done with your quiz) What does winter symbolize for you? OR What symbol could use for how you feel about school? Explain why it would be an appropriate symbol.