2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt StressFaults Mountain Building Misc. Measuring Earthquakes
The fastest type of earthquake wave.
What is a Primary (P) Wave?
Seismic wave that travels though solids only.
What is a secondary (S) wave?
The scale currently used to measure earthquakes.
What is the Moment Magnitude scale?
Uses a mechanical seismograph to measure earthquakes. Good for small, nearby earthquakes only.
What is the Richter scale?
Earthquake waves that cause the most damage.
What are surface (L) waves?
Stress that pulls rock apart.
What is tension?
The type of stress at a transform boundary.
What is shearing?
Stress that pushes rock together and creates folded mountains.
What is compression?
Stress that causes a reverse fault.
What is compression?
Stress that causes a normal fault.
What is tension?
Type of fault shown below:
What is a strike-slip fault?
Type of fault shown below:
What is a reverse fault?
Type of fault caused by shearing.
What is a strike-slip fault?
Faults that makes fault- block mountains.
What are normal faults?
Type of fault shown below:
What is a normal fault?
The force that opposes the motion of one surface as it moves across another.
What is friction?
This forms when normal faults uplift a block of rock.
What is a fault block mountain?
This type of stress can cause rocks to bend.
What is compression?
An arch that bends upward.
What is an anticline?
An fold that bends downward.
What is a syncline?
The point beneath Earths surface where rock breaks and triggers an earthquake.
What is the focus?
The part of the fault that lies below the other part.
What is the footwall?
A scale that rates earthquakes according to their intensity & how much damage they cause.
What is the Mercalli scale?
Any change in shape or volume of Earths crust.
What is deformation?
The block of rock that lies above the fault.
What is the hanging wall?