5 B ASIC C OMPONENTS OF S URVIVAL What do you think are the 5 basic components of survival? Why? 1. First Aid 2. Fire 3. Shelter 4. Signaling 5. Food/Water
F IRST A ID First you must treat and prevent any life- threatening conditions or injuries. e.g. hypothermia, heat exhaustion
F IRE Fire can help a person survive by: Providing warmth Being used to signal for help Purifying water Protecting you from wild animals and insects
S HELTER When stranded, it is extremely important that you find or create a shelter. Shelters help: cool you off (protect you from the sun) Keep you warm and dry (shield you from wind and rain)
S IGNALING The following signals can help you get rescued: 3 blows of a whistle Smoke from a fire 3 fires in a triangular layout is a distress signal Flares Flashlight Mirrors
F OOD AND W ATER Food and water are needed to provide hydration and energy You can go weeks without food You can go only 3 days without water
T HINGS TO R EMEMBER ! 1. Don’t Panic! 2. Choose a leader 3. Stay together 4. Come up with a plan