“I Can” Learning Targets 5 th Grade Math 5th Six Weeks
TNCore Focus Standards Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI
5 th Six Weeks Pacing Guide Lessons: TN (extend lesson: 17.3) TN (review lesson) Dropped from the TCAP: SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI , SPI
“I Can” Lessons 14.3;14.8 I can identify and use measures of weight and temperature. Note: Lessons 14.1, 14.2, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, and 14.9 review 3 rd and 4 th grade skills.
“I Can” Lesson 15.1 I can solve addition and subtraction equations using inverse operations. Note: Use TN-12 after lesson (see next slide)
“I Can” Lesson TN-12 I can describe the meaning of “inequality”. I can find the unknown in single-step equations that contain fractions and mixed numbers. Note: Use TN-12 after Lesson 15.1.
“I Can” Lesson I can describe the meaning of “inequality”. I can solve multiplication and division equations using inverse operations. I can solve single step inequalities using a number line. I can use patterns to complete a function table. Note: Lessons are taught after TCAP. (see TN Teacher’s Program Overview pg. T141)
“I Can” Lessons (extend) I can describe the meaning of “integers”. I can use a number line to identify positive and negative integers. I can locate points on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs. I can find a distance between two points on a coordinate plane. Use TN-13 after lesson 17.3 (see next slide). Lesson 17.4 is after TCAP – see TN Teacher’s Program Overview pg. T141.
“I Can” Lessons TN-13 I can find the length of vertical or horizontal line segments in the first quadrant of a coordinate grid, I can use fractions and decimals to find the length of a line segment on a coordinate grid. I can identify the set of points that define vertical and horizontal line segments. Note: Use TN-13 after lesson 17.3.
“I Can” Lessons 17.5 (reviews SPI ) I can solve story problems using whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.