Science Language and Vocabulary Astronomy Science Language and Vocabulary
The spinning of objects around an imaginary center line axis of rotation The spinning of objects around an imaginary center line
The path a planet or moon takes during its revolution orbit The path a planet or moon takes during its revolution
the different shapes of the moon during a lunar cycle phases of the moon the different shapes of the moon during a lunar cycle
the process of bouncing off reflection the process of bouncing off
the circling of an object in space around another object in space revolution the circling of an object in space around another object in space
Earth’s axis of rotation imaginary poles on which the Earth spins
Earth’s tilt 23.5° angle
irregular pieces of rock that move through space asteroids irregular pieces of rock that move through space
all of the different objects in space that make up our universe celestial objects all of the different objects in space that make up our universe
comets celestial objects made up of dust, ice, and gases that orbit the sun in a large, elliptical course
the measure of the amount of space between objects distance the measure of the amount of space between objects
the measurement of the pull of gravity gravitational pull the measurement of the pull of gravity
the attraction of one mass to another gravity the attraction of one mass to another
the amount of matter in something mass the amount of matter in something
meteor one of the small particles of matter in the solar system that is visible when it falls into Earth’s atmosphere
planet a celestial object, larger than asteroids or comets, that revolves around a star without giving off its own light
satellite a natural or man made object that revolves around larger objects in space
objects compared to a standard for accurate size perception scale objects compared to a standard for accurate size perception
solar system the system made up of the eight unique planet, and many smaller objects that orbit the sun
celestial objects that consist of gases which generate light and heat stars celestial objects that consist of gases which generate light and heat
sun the star that is the basis of the solar system and sustains life on Earth as the source of heat and light
an instrument that magnifies or makes distant objects appear larger telescope an instrument that magnifies or makes distant objects appear larger
a pattern in the stars that has been identified and named constellation a pattern in the stars that has been identified and named
a group of millions of stars held together by gravity galaxy a group of millions of stars held together by gravity
the distance light can travel in one year light-years the distance light can travel in one year
Milky Way Galaxy a group of about 200 billion stars formed in a disk shaped spiral that contains our solar system
186,000 miles per second or 300,000 kilometers per second speed of light 186,000 miles per second or 300,000 kilometers per second
universe the space that consists of all matter and all light and other forms of radiation and energy