United Kingdom Form of Leadership: Parliamentary - Monarch (queen) - Prime Minister House of Lords House of Commons How is the leader / governing chosen? 1. Citizen elect the members to the House of Commons 2. The political party with the majority elected in the House of Commons has a member chosen to be the Prime Minister 3. The Queen (monarch) is the official head of the state and the title is passed down through the family – mostly symbolic and ceremonial
United Kingdom How are the people represented? What freedoms, if any, do they have? - People vote for the House of Commons -Free to worship as they choose -Freedom of speech, fair trail, and own property Freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution
Germany Form of Leadership: Federal and Parliamentary -President - Chancellor -Bundestag (upper house) -Bundesrat (lower house) How is the leader / governing chosen? 1. Citizen elect members to the Bundestag 2. The Bundestag selects the Chancellor (head of military and chief executive) 3. The Bundestrat represents the state governments 3. The President is the head of the state and is mostly ceremonial and symbolic .
Germany How are the people represented? What freedoms, if any, do they have? - People vote for state representatives in the Bundesrat - Freedom of religion -Freedom of speech, fair trial, and own property -Warfare State where the government guaruntees people benefits whey they are unemployed, poor, disabled, old, or sick. Freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution
Russia Form of Leadership: Federation -President -Prime Minister (elected by President) -Federal Assembly Federation Council State Duma How is the leader / governing body chosen? 1. People elect the President 2. Prime Minister – elected by President 3. Federal Council – appointed by each state 4. State Duma – elected by the people
Russia How are the people represented? What freedoms, if any, do they have? - People vote for the President and State Duma -Free to worship as they choose -Freedom of speech, fair trail, and own property Freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution