If You Knew Me…. English II Team Building
Dehumanization at THS How are individuals dehumanized at our school? Dehumanization means to deprive someone of his or her human qualities such as security, love, respect, compassion, etc.
If You Knew Me… Everyone at some point in his or her life has experienced being picked on, bullied, or teased. Most people have also picked on, teased, or bullied another individual at some point in their lives. It is easy to make fun of or hate someone we do not know. Complete the If You Knew Me handout.
Introducing… Take 5 Minutes to ask your partner these questions. Switch roles (interviewer, interviewee) when finished. What are 3 things you like to do (interests, hobbies, sports, etc.)? What is your greatest fear? What is something interesting or unique that most people in our class would not know? What are three goals that you want to accomplish in your life? Who are your heroes?