Parent Information 2011 Dr. Toni Jones Chief Academic Officer (405) x1133
Understanding the Alignment Non-Math Majors StandardAdvancedAdvanced Plus 6 th Grade6 th Math 7 th MathPre-Algebra 7 th Grade7 th Math Pre-AlgebraAlgebra 1 8 th GradePre-Algebra Algebra 1 *HS Credit Geometry *HS Credit 9 th GradeAlgebra 1 PAP GeometryPAP Algebra II 10 th GradeGeometry PAP Algebra IIPAP Pre- Calc/Trig 11 th GradeAlgebra II PAP Pre- Calc/Trig AP Calculus 12 th GradeAlgebra III or Concurrent AP CalculusConcurrent 2 nd Semester Calculus
The Right Choice It’s Different For Every Child There is No “ Right Path” What does the student love to do? Can you tell right now?
If students are struggling…. It is important to think about 4 years of math in HS **Middle School Math Counts as An Elective Alg1, Geom, Alg 2, PreCalc/College Alg OR Geom, Alg 2, PreCalc, Calc/College Alg
Basic Information ****Any student enrolled in Algebra 1 must take the EOI even if taking the course for the 2 nd time. ****Students must pass the Algebra 1 EOI to graduate under the new law. ****Algebra 1 is an elective credit in HS and NOT a math credit.
How Do You Know if They Are Struggling? Homework should be expected PAP and AP Curriculum is expected to have rigor However, if your child is needing a great deal of tutoring, homework assistance, or is highly stressed then that is a sign that you may want to explore other options.
Advanced Placement PAP Algebra 1 is a HS course on the path to AP Calculus (True College Prep) The U.S. Pass Rate last year was 59.5% of students who took the AP Calculus test passed (this includes public, private, selective schools like OSSM….everybody)
Grades If you are concerned about a ‘B’…. Middle School: Currently, students have the option of counting, or not counting, the grade from DCMS. **This could change….so stay alert as your children progress. This is evaluated at the end of every school year for the next year.
How Algebra 1 Grades Transfer To HS …. This Does NOT apply to other courses. This is an Elective Course Option 1: Take the EOI, Course is listed as No Credit but the course is on the transcript because it is required for graduation (not calculated in HS GPA) Option 2: Take the EOI, Course is listed with a grade of A, B, C, (4.5, 3.5, 2.5) and calculated in the HS GPA. You can’t change your mind after the first day of 9 th grade.
Thinking about a change now? Option 1: Student stays in Advanced math in 8 th Grade and they must take EOI. Option 2: Student stays in Advanced Math, must take EOI, takes regular Geometry in High School instead of the Pre- AP Track, then Alg 2, then Pre Calc, then College Algebra instead of Calculus Option 2: Student moves back a level to gain a refresher, **Must change science course
Why is There a Prerequisite for Science The Physical Sciences The advanced track is Physical Science oriented…students can still take PAP Biology as a 9 th grader if they are not in Geometry (Advanced Life Science Track) **8 th Grade Uses Algebra 1 Skills for Intro to Chemistry and Intro to Physics
8 th Grade Chem/Phys Alg 1** th Grade Biology Geometry 10 th Grade PAP Chem Alg 2 (min) 11 th Grade AP Chem Pre-Calc (min) 12 th Grade AP Physics AP Calc th Grade PAP Biology Alg 1 10 th Grade Intro Chem/Physics Geometry 11 th AP Biology / PAP Chem Alg 2 12 th AP Environmental/ AP Chem Pre-Calc
How Does Taking The Grade To HS Change A Transcript? 4.5 A in 8 th Grade Alg B in 9 th Grade PAP Geometry 4.0 GPA 3.5 B in 8 th Grade Alg 1 *Didn’t take grade to HS 4.5 A in Geometry 4.5 GPA **However….Valedictorian changes are taking place
There is no right or wrong path Key Factors Stress Level Goals – If you know them What they love- if it’s clear Maturity Activity Level - Athletics, student council, cheer….. ACT Impact
It takes a 24 to be admitted to OU and OSU A student can gain a 24 by reaching Algebra II level in Math. Scholarship Money Starts at a 24…. The higher the rigor….the higher the ACT AP Chem, AP Physics, AP English, AP Calculus ACT 32
You want children to learn at a high level and enjoy school! It’s all about balance