$100 $200 $300 $400 $ s I 1850s II1850s IIICivilWarRecon-structionSouthernSlavery
$200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Civil War Events EventsRecon-structionTwoRecon-structionThreeReviewQuestionsMisc. Civil War II
Final Jeopardy Reconstruction
This caused the end of Military Reconstruction
C1-$100 Southern Slavery - $100 This was the nickname the North gave to Southern slavery
C1-$200 Southern Slavery - $200 This referred to the economy of the South that centered around this certain crop
C1-$300 Southern Slavery - $300 He led a slave revolt in Virginia in 1831which resulted in the deaths of 60 whites.
C1-$400 Southern Slavery - $400 This party was formed on a platform favoring the Wilmot Proviso and free land for settlers. They did not oppose slavery, just the spreading of it
C1-$500 Southern Slavery - $500 This was a belief that slavery was evil. It gradually became a powerful movement against slavery during the antebellum years of America
C2-$ s I - $100 This was Henry Clay’s last compromise and it postponed the Civil War for 11 years. California’s admission and a stricter Fugitive Slave Law
C2-$ s I - $200 These laws were passed in the North and inhibited the extradition of runaway slaves. These were created in reaction to the Fugitive Slave Law.
C2-$ s I - $300 This was a secret organization that was founded by Harriet Tubman to help slaves flee to the North
C2-$ s I - $400 This was a policy to acquire Cuba as a slave state. It allowed the U.S. to seize Cuba if Spain did not sell it.
C2-$ s I - $500 He was a very weak president who supported the Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Law and tried to acquire Hawaii, Japan and Cuba during his presidency
C3-$ s II - $100 It allowed people of the territory to decide if they were going to legalize slavery or not
C3-$ s II - $200 Northern and Southern forces fought over the issue of slavery which resulted in bloodshed
C3-$ s II - $300 He beat Charles Sumner on the floor of the Senate because he felt he was being insulted
C3-$ s II - $400 This was the constitution of the government of Kansas that supported slavery. It stated that whether the constitution was ratified or not, slavery would be allowed in Kansas
C3-$ s II - $500 He was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court just before the Civil War. His decision on Dred Scott v Sanford made slavery legal in all of the U.S.
C4-$ s III - $100 It was the first sectional party whose platform was anti-slavery and pro business
C s III - $200 He was the senator from Illinois who wrote the Kansas Nebraska Act and the Freeport Doctrine
C3-$ s III - $300 Hailed in the North as a martyr and considered a lunatic in the South, he was a radical abolitionist
C3-$ s III - $400 Stephen Douglas’ argument that popular sovereignty should be used in new territories and the Dred Scott case was legal
C3-$ s III - $500 He wrote the book The Impending Crisis which was against slavery. He said the non- slave holding whites were the ones who suffered the most from slavery
C4-$100 Civil War - $100 This was a U.S. fort in Charleston, South Carolina which was the first battle of the Civil War
C4-$200 Civil War - $200 He was the Confederate general that lead the south in the war
C4-$300 Civil War - $300 This was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War and was the first Union victory in the eastern theater
C4-$400 Civil War - $400 Lincoln’s failed attempt to free slaves in rebellious states while allowing slavery in border states
C4-$500 Civil War - $500 They were extreme Northern Democrats who believed the Union could be united if slavery were not attacked
C4-$100 Reconstruction - $100 He became President after Lincoln’s assassination and was disliked very much
C4-$200 Reconstruction - $200 It was the first attempt at Reconstruction by Congress which provided for congressional administration of Reconstruction
C4-$300 Reconstruction - $300 It was a secret organization that intimidated blacks from voting and dressed up in bed sheets
C4-$400 Reconstruction - $400 They were the Northern Republicans who went to the South to gain a quick political advancement and wealth
C4-$500 Reconstruction - $500 This was the reconstruction plan that Congress used for 10 years. It divided the South into five military districts that would be run by the army
Civil War II- $200 First engagement ever between two iron- clad naval vessels. The two ships battled in a portion of the Chesapeake Bay known as Hampton Roads for five hours on March 9, 1862, ending in a draw.
Civil War II- $400 This was the protesting of conscription into the Union army because the poor were drafted disproportionately
Civil War II- $600 He was the President of the Confederate States of America
Civil War II- $800 The bill offered a Constitutional amendment recognizing slavery in the territories south of the 36º30' line, noninterference by Congress with existing slavery, and compensation to the owners of fugitive slaves
Civil War II- $1000 Lincoln suspended this writ, which states that a person cannot be arrested without probable cause and must be informed of the charges against him and be given an opportunity to challenge them. Throughout the war, thousands were arrested for disloyal acts. Although the U.S. Supreme Court eventually held the suspension edict to be unconstitutional, by the time the Court acted the Civil War was nearly over.
Civil War Events - $200 This happened on April 14, 1865 which shocked the nation
Civil War Events - $400 He shot Abraham Lincoln
Civil War Events - $600 Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri. They were slave states, but did not secede which were known as
Civil War Events - $800 Site of the opening engagement of the Civil War. On December 20, 1860, South Carolina had seceded from the Union, and had demanded that all federal property in the state be surrendered to state authorities
Civil War Events - $1000 These were the colorful nicknames of the North and South
Reconstruction Two- $200 Republicans reviving the memory of southern Democratic disloyalty during the Civil War
Reconstruction Two- $400 In order to win the election of 1868, Republicans depend on the vote from
Reconstruction Two- $600 By the end of Reconstruction, most blacks in the South work on farm as renter was known as
Reconstruction Two- $800 This was the proposal to make freed slaves small- scale farmers that never transpired
Reconstruction Two- $1000 This guaranteed equal protection under the law for every American citizen
Reconstruction Three - $200 Lincoln’s plan provided for the restoration of the loyal governments for the erstwhile Confederate states now under Union control was known as
Reconstruction Three - $400 Violating this act cause Andrew Johnson to be impeached and came within one vote of being removed from office
Reconstruction Three - $600 In the early years of reconstruction, an important function of the _________ was for the protection of the economic rights of former slaves
Reconstruction Three - $800 This refers to the proposal to make freed slaves small-scale farmers but the promise was never kept
Reconstruction Three - $1000 When this piece of legislation was passed it meant that congress rather than the President would determine Reconstruction policies and it was the first major legislation that became law over a presidential veto
Review Questions - $200 This set a boundary along the crest of the Appalachians beyond which the English colonists were forbidden to settle
Review Questions - $400 In response to the Alien and Sedition Acts these took the position that the authority of state governments included the power to decide whether or not an act of Congress was constitutional
Review Questions - $600 This was Jefferson’s hope to preserve an agricultural society by making abundant lands available to future generations
Review Questions - $800 In his Essay, Resistance to Civil Government, Henry David Thoreau claimed that an individual should
Review Questions - $1000 This event was significant because it issued a historic declaration of women’s rights
Misc. - $200 Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel which brought home the evils of slavery to many in the North was
Misc. - $400 This court case ruled that a slave was private property even in a free territory
Misc. - $600 After this event in 1831 Southern states made it increasingly difficult for masters to free their slaves after
Misc. - $800 Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens were leaders of these congressmen
Misc. - $1000 Many southern states passed these to control movement and provide a stable workforce for the plantations