Cheating-Cheating, copying, forging, or claiming another person’s work to be his/her own;(See Conway School District Policy 4.18) a. Minimum-Conference/Warning/ Parent Notification b. Maximum-Suspension To activate the Copyright and/or plagiarism links on this page, as well as for more information, click here to go to To activate the Copyright and/or plagiarism links on this page, as well as for more information, click here to go to and scroll to the bottom of the page.
From the Conway Public Schools Student Handbook: Cheating-Cheating, copying, forging, or claiming another person’s work to be his/her own;(See Conway School District Policy 4.18) a. Minimum-Conference/Warning/ Parent Notification b. Maximum-Suspension
Click the link below: TOP PLAGIARISM SCANDALS OF 2012
Click the link below: 6 Consequences of Plagiarism
Screen capture of the Works Cited on page 151 from the Applied Computer Keyboarding book
MLA list of works cited An alphabetized list of works cited, which appears at the end of your research paper, gives publication information for each of the sources you have cited in the paper. Include only sources that you have quoted, summarized, or paraphrased. (For information about preparing the list, click here; for a sample list of works cited, click here.) here
Now that you have researched information about plagiarism, you are to create and critique a document about honesty and cheating in the classroom. You may create a flyer or report in Microsoft Word, for example, listing why honesty is important and consequences of plagiarism.