Forms of Animal Identification Applied Ag Science
Methods of Identification Ear Tags––used on all large animals; made of plastic, rubber, and metal; “easy to use, easy to lose” Information needed on ear tag: ID number Birth Date Associate Cow/Calf Owner’s name and address
Methods of Identification Tattoo––rabbits (ear), horses (upper lip), cattle (ear), lambs and pigs if desired (ear) Process: clean wax out of ear tattoo in an area between the midribs and avoid blood vessels rub permanent ink in holes you made.
Methods of Identification Branding––cattle (horses); weaning—6-8 months old; animals should be dry; should be branded on hip or rump (most common); brand must be registered in county courthouse.
Methods of Identification Methods of Branding: Hot Iron-heated with fuel or electric; must heat until cherry red; hold brand firmly against the skin for 3-4 seconds; scab will peel within 2-3 weeks. Freeze Branding-liquid nitrogen; mix golf ball size chunks of dry ice together with alcohol; place iron in solution for 2-3 minutes; clip area to be branded; wipe clean with alcohol; hold brand against skin for: horse-20 seconds, dark cattle-30 sec., light cattle-50 sec. Liquid Branding-use acid; least satisfactory; clip area; dip iron in fluid ¼ “, hold firmly for 2-3 seconds.
Methods of Identification Ear notching––done on swine Right Ear (of pig)-represents litter #. All pigs in the same litter will receive the same number. Left Ear-individual pig #. Each pig from a litter will receive a different number Rule when notching––there can only be a maximum of 2 notches in each section.
Methods of Identification Nose Printing – cattle, sheep, goats; unique to each animal Blood/Hair Sample – tests DNA; unique to each animal